
New member
*sigh* I vowed I wouldn't buy it until some time down the road, but since it appears to be the God of all that is video games due to the 10/10 on both Gamespot, IGN, etc. I'm awaiting my delivery.
I'm waiting for the computer version since I don't own a 360 or PS3 and don't plan to if/when they fall down to $200.00 USD which I don't see happening. :P Mass Effect for PC is almost here I can't wait. :D

BTW you have to let me know how fun multi-player is in GTA IV. I saw some videos they look epic.
This game is tits! The only thing I had trouble with was the kicking of the asses. I'm so used to Assassin's Creed that I was trying to pull all the best counter moves but usually end up getting stabbed by some Jew. (Not a racist remark, the Jewish guy had a knife and he fucked me up.)

It's also no help the 90% of the people you bump in to wanna throw down, so I got used to fighting really fast.
I have played the GTA IV....and it is good. Out of all the series, Niko is the flippin man.
this game is by far the best game i've played all year and I only played one online map and that was fun as hell it was a prison war with knives bats and fists it was sick
OnA fans can now play "Remove Your Hat" mode with GTA4. Find yourself a brick, or knock a cup of coffee out of some asshole's hand and use that. Find the nearest dude with the puffy furry russian style hats and bean that dude with your object. The hat flies off and you'll laugh like an idiot for several minutes.
OnA fans can now play "Remove Your Hat" mode with GTA4. Find yourself a brick, or knock a cup of coffee out of some asshole's hand and use that. Find the nearest dude with the puffy furry russian style hats and bean that dude with your object. The hat flies off and you'll laugh like an idiot for several minutes.


Off to go remove some hats, rofl

Btw, it was wierd hearing Steve Ctalk was funny. Just heard Patrice and Fez on WKTT

And some news:

"Rockstar's "Lazlow" (one of the game's DJs) made another appearance on the Opie and Anthony show this morning. This time he claimed that the Xbox 360's DLC is being worked on at the moment and could see the light of day as early as this summer. Not much was said about PS3 DLC other than he hoped to see it happen in the future. Our guess is that Microsoft will release the DLC whenever it works best with their general plan of attack—be that as soon as Rockstar finishes the content or months later—since paying $50 million and ruling a platform probably affords you such luxuries."
Stop spamming the forums and stop with the GTA threads. If you want to talk GTA go to the GTA forums. Any more threads started about GTA will result in punishment for the offending user.

I have sand in my vagina, my names Elias, it itches.
Meh, I hate how Gamespot scores their games but oh well. GTAIV is still a great game if you can get past the camera angles and horrible car handling.

Gotta love diving out of your car just to find yourself rolling back into it as it explodes. :-P
game deserved that 10 from every reviewer because the single player and multiplayer are just that damn good
Meh, I hate how Gamespot scores their games but oh well. GTAIV is still a great game if you can get past the camera angles and horrible car handling.

Gotta love diving out of your car just to find yourself rolling back into it as it explodes. :-P

I like the driving. It's more realistic now imo. Not just fly around the corner, smash and drive. Gotta use the brakes more. Also you get better cars as you progress with better handling, brakes etc. You can mod em later as well.

And how can you not love flying out of the windshield after smashing a building? And burning people with cigarettes?

Just... man.. greatest game ever

In soviet russia, game play you!
I like the driving. It's more realistic now imo. Not just fly around the corner, smash and drive. Gotta use the brakes more. Also you get better cars as you progress with better handling, brakes etc. You can mod em later as well.

And how can you not love flying out of the windshield after smashing a building? And burning people with cigarettes?

Just... man.. greatest game ever

Oh don't get me wrong, its awsome when shit like that happens. The physics/animations they gave to the characters is just awsome and opens up some pretty funny stuff. I managed to launch my guy over a 3 story building when I crashed on my bike. :P

I wish they would add a statistic tracker for stuff like this. :D
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Stop spamming the forums and stop with the GTA threads. If you want to talk GTA go to the GTA forums. Any more threads started about GTA will result in punishment for the offending user.

I have sand in my vagina, my names Elias, it itches.

I wanna see if I can flood the Wanderhome forums with GTA discussion threads.
I bitch and moan about modern games and their lack of ...well anything, but I am completely amazed with this game. I enjoyed the hell out of GTAIII, vice city was fun, san andreas brought some cool concepts, but I believe GTAIV finally nails the series on the head. It's like playing in a movie. The story is engaging and the Niko the anti-hero is one of the best characters to come around in a long time. Is the game perfect? Not by a long shot, but it's just so damn fun and the tongue 'n cheek humor is still there.

Although I thought I was the only one that had made this assumption a while ago, a lot of others have thought the same thing...

Behind Enemy Lines

Niko of GTA IV
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