Force Unleashed Demo

LOL yeah I haven't upgraded my pc in ages so COD4 is out of the question as is TF2 I would assume. It certainly does look fun....played the original TF many moons ago.

I'm still using the same PC I bought before I quit SWG lol....theres just been no real reason to upgrade. Though I will be upgrading just slightly before Diablo 3 hits the market.

I have always been very much a PC FPS MP player myself....mouse and KB have always been the way to go but i've adapted to the console controller as much as a person possibly can. Times are a changing....
omggg, i cant wait to play the demo. i woke up late for work so i didnt really get a chance to check but i appreciate you letting us know how it is sett. my gt is ftp if you guys wanna add me up. u also should think about getting gears of war, so when GoW 2 comes out you aren't slacking! i've always been a big pc fps gamer but since 360 adapted to the controller much better than the keyboard and mouse. it's really all about knowing the head height and being able to swing it to hit the head, with a little tweaking from the lag. i play inverted too... not like your good ol' mouse i'll tell you that. but i do find console games to be much much more fun, especially since no one can bitch about how they suck cause they're computer sucks. its all the same equipment no excuses! ima be trying to enter tournaments for gears 2 if anyone wants to go serious like that. it's some of the funnest shit you'll ever do, getting to know hot gamer chicks that you can invite back to your hotel and have a party with ;] i defintitely dont regret not bringing my gf at the time! and not to mention i smoked with all the announcers of the world cyber games LMAO
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LOL good shit Nuka. The only reason anyone feels good about themselves with console FPS is because of auto-aim lol.

I hope GoW2 doesn't have all the lameness the first GoW had online. Sticky bombs ftl? and if it wasn't that it turned into a shotgun fest....theres no denying GoW was a good game though....only a couple of months to go till GoW2.

Next few months are going to be good for gamers...FU, GoW2, Mercs2, etc etc.
added you to my friends list sett

and i also hate trying to play with a controller when i know it is inferior to kb/mouse. there is absolutely no point and im not going to even try lol

i also cant download the demo yet cos i dont have a gold membership :(
Cool Prod. Trust me i'm an avid supported of the mouse/KB but you can get used to the controller.

I can distinctly remember the time I forced myself to become accustomed to it....Red Faction for the PS2 way back in the day. I liked it so much at the time I forced myself to learn the dual analogs.

Try inverting the controls, thats how I play but it feels different for everyone based on whether or not you've played flight games before lol.

Anyways, it can be done...just give it some time and as I mentioned most console FPS have auto-aim/slight auto-aim enough to compensate for pin-point accuracy you're used to having with a mouse/KB.

The ps3 actually has some games that support usb mouse/KB.....the latest UT game does but thats all I can recall off the top of my head.

I just wish MS would come up with some supported mouse/KB peripherals and that more games would add in the support for it. I truly believe the reason they don't is because of the ownage gap a mix of mouse/KB users would have over controller users.
That was tasty, seems like a definite getter, but I'm suspicious of the shortness of the demo. Probably my only gripe is the camera, but you get use to it.
i actually started my fps career on the console with the legendary goldeneye and used to have the complete opposite view about controllers vs kb/mouse. however i have not looked back since i realised how wrong i was lol

i too tried playing some on the ps2 as well and whilst i got quite proficient at it, it would still always piss me off i couldnt get the accuracy i want. i can see exactly the same happening on the 360, which is fine in single player, but i hate getting my ass handed to me online :p

i think you are right about the ownage factor tbh. but i would not be at all surprised to see it in the next gen of consoles at the get go. although relatedly, you know how some windows games are also on live (like gears)? i wonder if they mix console with pc users on multiplayer.......

think im going to have to look into that

oh and the only game to be for pc that can play with xbox is shadowrun =[ you'll just have to get used to the controller, its not that hard. oh and sett, red faction was fucking AMAZING. i'd spend hours trying to dig holes with a rocket launcher to fuck around. some advice, usually i just keep my right stick centered and use my left stick to put my crosshair in the way of my target and POP. i know cod has a nifty little auto aim for the campaign where you just tap left trigger or something. it's not too bad. and shotgun battles are fuckin intense bro
Heh yeah even in COD4 the MP still has slight auto-aim assist. Almost 95% of console FPS have it.

Yeah I played the FU demo again last night just to play around in it a bit more. It's definitely short but with less than a month until launch I only expected a teaser....and thats pretty much what we got. I really never complain about demos....they're free and the company didn't have to release one (always a good idea if you think your game is good but definitely not an industry standard)

Timi, did you adjust/invert the camera controls? I found out they could only be adjusted once you were in the demo, not at the start menu screen.

Oh yeah a little off topic, but I picked up Too Human last night for shits and giggles and i'm really enjoying it despite the negative reviews it's been getting. It is simplistic and the AI is zerg city, but theres no denying that loot whoring is fun. At almost every encounter you're picking up new loot...useful stuff too. If you can get used to the control scheme, which is different but efficient, the games becomes more enjoyable. Just try to train yourself that the right stick is NOT for controlling the camera and you'll be fine lol.

Nuka, have you seen the trailers for the latest RF? Looks like it's shaping up to be a pretty decent shooter. Speaking of mouse/KB RF2 was the first FPS on the PS2 that allowed for mouse and KB. Not many on the PS2 allowed for this and at that time I had hoped more would adopt the trend but it never seemed to catch on with other dev houses. :/
Oh yeah a little off topic, but I picked up Too Human last night for shits and giggles and i'm really enjoying it despite the negative reviews it's been getting. It is simplistic and the AI is zerg city, but theres no denying that loot whoring is fun. At almost every encounter you're picking up new loot...useful stuff too. If you can get used to the control scheme, which is different but efficient, the games becomes more enjoyable. Just try to train yourself that the right stick is NOT for controlling the camera and you'll be fine lol.

Ah, good you were the Guinea Pig. I've seen it torn apart by just about every media outlet, it's really only the players giving it good reviews. I didn't think the demo was that bad and was shocked to see the ratings it was getting.
Yeah, had I not played the demo and given the control scheme a chance I would have stayed away from it due to all the negative hype it's been getting. I think people are being a little too harsh with it.

I read an interview with SK's Dyack yesterday and he made a comment that made alot of sense to me. I can't remember it word for word but basically he was disappointed for the fact that everyone wants new innovation in gaming but the moment someone does something away from the norm people tend to balk at it. When I was playing TH last night I was thinking about what he said and I have to agree....I was thinking if this game was a standard 3rd person shooter it wouldn't really be that great.

It's honestly the mindless dungeon zerg that appeals to a lot of people. Run into room, lay waste to an assload of bad guys with crazy combos/ranged/melee combat, collect loot, upgrade toon, rinse/repeat. It's going to be even more fun tonight after i've had a few T&Ts :P
Heh, funny you should say that, destructoid had that quote and completely trashed the guy. Apparently, they really have it out for Dyack.

With Too Human's release date fast approaching, it seems that Denis Dyack's mouth is running into overdrive. According to Silicon Knights' chief demagogue, people who dislike Too Human only do so because the game is far too innovative and amazing for their tiny brains to comprehend.

"What we're also seeing is for the people who don't like it, generally just don't get it." explains Dyack, kindly telling me why I hated the demo. "And it's because we've created something so innovative and different. It's ironic, it just shows that human nature of if you don't understand something, you immediately attack it. It's pretty interesting in that regard."

That HAS to be the reason, Denis. We are just too stupid to comprehend the greatness that is Too Human, and if we don't like it, it's because we fear the terrifyingly brilliant changes that Too Human has made to the action genre -- such innovation as loot drops, character classes, leveling up and bad camera angles. No game has EVER featured such inventive magnificence before. You're turning this industry on its head, Dyack!

Color me a convert, and a man now happily willing to bow before Denis Dyack's almighty lecturn. I just had no idea Too Human was so innovative that the human mind is yet to evolve to a point where it can appreciate such complexity. Also, nobody understood the innovation that was Lair, either.
Geez lol....I think thats the interview I read with Dyack too, but I certainly didn't take it as personal attack on my level of intelligence....and I wasn't applying his statement to anything other than the control scheme.

I understand that the majority of the rest of the game is stock action/rpg but i'm not sure it ever made claims to be otherwise...maybe SK or Dyack did but I missed it.

I think the guy at this site is taking things a little to out of context....Dyack never actually claims "we're too stupid to get it". I got out of it that he's trying to say that everyone cries for new innovations (even if its a small component of the overall experience) but the minute you step outside the box people get all upset. I actually get where Dyack's coming from, going back to what I said about it relating to the control scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if most people played the demo and went "ZOMG!! the right analog doesn't control the fucking camera?!?!?!? I have no manual control over it?!?!?! WTF!? use the right stick to attack?!?! THIS GAME IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY!!!! *quits to the dashboards, deletes demo, runs to game forum to bitch*
I wouldn't be surprised if most people played the demo and went "ZOMG!! the right analog doesn't control the fucking camera?!?!?!? I have no manual control over it?!?!?! WTF!? use the right stick to attack?!?! THIS GAME IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY!!!!

Lol, that was me!
LOL.... i kinda liked that game too... on the new red faction, its gonna be sweet. the only thing tho, i think gears/halo/cod4 are the only games that really retain any replayablity through the MP. i rented ut3 and theres only 1-2 ranked games =[ i always liked ut from the pc and it sucks to see NO one playing it lol...
Yeah I agree.....if you're going to hit up the new RF game's MP you'd better do it within the first few months of release before it eventually fades into the MP ether...
Ok I got my issue of gamepro in the mail yesterday which included a review of TFU. They gave it 3/5 stars. Said it is a good game but there are some slight control issues and other things that kept it from being a really great game.

His main gripe was that as you progress and gain cool dark side powers that make you a bad ass, your enemies grow in strength as well often times negating force powers and bad guy snipers that knock you down before you can even see them. So while you should be smoking fools left and right as a dark jedi you really don't feel so dominating as you get further along in the game. He did mention that you could go back to previous levels with your new powers and lay waste to everyone.

I really don't want to go into more, but the reviewer seemed sort of "meh" about it. Take it for what you will. I'm hoping to see some more positive reviews myself.
i think this game could be a renter I can see fable 2 being way better all this game to me is looks and a hack and slash rpg