For the people with kids ...

i had to wear a uniform at school including a blazer etc and the only things that got replaced were my shoes playing football in the playground :p

other than that, if anything got ripped being daft etc, my mum would not replace them and i would have to carry on wearing as a sort of punishment lol. i soon stopped treating my clothes so badly! only exceptions to this were losing buttons and she fixed them :D

i agree it can be expensive though when going through growth phases, however my school had like a 2nd hand clothes shop going and that had loads of stuff in there for way cheaper
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Of course :) But around the age when they hit the early teens, a lot of kids see school as a must, not something they really truely enjoy.
I'm always trying to 'pep-talk' and make the classes funny and interesting so I can help preventing that (Im firm and fair acording to my students, and very silly :p And I expect them to try their best). But some of them will go that's part pof being a teen and 'revolting'.

Why couldn't Zana be my teacher during school. It would have been a much nicer place. :think:
Do any private tutoring? :shifty: :wub:
The county we live in just mandated a dress code for every public school in the county starting this fall. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but we need to start shopping for our kids soon. When I was in high school they banned hats and certain color combinations to try and curb gang activity, but all it did was mask the issue.
The county we live in just mandated a dress code for every public school in the county starting this fall. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but we need to start shopping for our kids soon. When I was in high school they banned hats and certain color combinations to try and curb gang activity, but all it did was mask the issue.
And that is a big issue in itself, that one dont work with the real mask a lot of them.