For the people with kids ...


New member
Really not "just" for parents.. but I wanted to see what others thought.

My daughters are 9 and 7, they attend public school. I got a notice home today telling me that school uniforms are now mandatory as of the 2007/2008 school year. Is it just me or is that just stripping kids of being themselves? Florida is bad enough with making kids pass a certain test, and if they fail that one test, they get left back. But now.. to make kids all wear the same thing is just silly to me. *shrug* I could understand this more if I had my children in private school, as most do have a dress code. but in public schools?! Oh .. here is the BEST part, you HAVE to buy the uniforms through the school.

Anyways.. was just wondering about any thoughts on this. :) I encourage my kids to be themselves that doing and acting like others isn't whats important. Its being who THEY are. And Palm Beach County now feels that they have the right to make them feel as they aren't themselves, that infact they are everyone else.
A major consideration is probably the gang population in your school (or schools in your school district). Limiting the colors/types of clothes kids can wear cuts down on the blatant gang colors/symbols. So, while I'm all about freedom of speech, it's about protecting kids.

I teach in two schools that have a dress code. You'd be amazed at how stylish kids can be even within the school restrictions.
Its grades K-5th and its an A+ School.. rated in the top 3 in the county for good schools.. no gangs.. no violence.. none of that.
The school kiddo is going to has uniforms. It is to take the emphasis off what the kids are wearing *labels* etc and putting the emphasis back on school work. My kiddo is who she is regardless of what she wears, and if a pair of jeans or shirt *makes* her who she is instead of her personality and convictions then I am not doing my job as a parent. (SO just my opinion and not about anyone but ME)
Personally I always liked the uniforms, then again even without the restrictions I still wear a long-sleeve button up nearly every day. I also like the Khaki type pants more than jeans too, which everyone wears.
school uniforms rock!
I wore school uniform, tie, blazer the works, takes the hassle out of what to find to wear everyday. There is no he or she is wearing better this or that than me. It does change who you are as an individual. I would consider it the same as wearing a suit and tie to work...I wear scrubs to work everyday, guess thats my uniform right now...but, that doesn"t mean I cant wear a thong underneath them :p
Don't sweat it, they will still be who they are :)
The school kiddo is going to has uniforms. It is to take the emphasis off what the kids are wearing *labels* etc and putting the emphasis back on school work.

Agree. I am not a fan of public school dress codes, but they have a purpose to them.
Thats quite normal for England, sometimes we got days when we get to wear our casual clothes... yes I went to a private school in secondary school (11-18) but I went to a public primary school.
I do know that pretty much all schools it's the norm to have school uniforms weithers it's a public or private school. You just end up having a blazer too if it's a private school.

It's not a bad thing really, I know we didn't have the same degree of social seperation between groups of indivuals in england, which seem to be so apparent in american schools, from my admitly limited experience. I'm not saying the flexibility in what a child or young adult wears is the main blame for that, but it's a contributing factor in my opinion.

It can be for some quite the peer pressure thing, of what to wear to school, from a psychological perspective, this removes it. Kids now a days have enough stress at school.

Tests are important, we learn the most, easier and quicker when we are younger, having your child realise his or her potential early on, gives them a chance to make the most of their intellect, or in the opposite realise an area of weakness and help them over come it.

I know tests aren't good for everyone, I am one of those, my "intellect" was not discovered till later in my life, partily because of that and my condition, I'm making up for that now, I wouldn't want my future children to miss out like I almost did. Assuming they end up as smart as me, I can only hope they do.

I see your persepective Mika, you want at their age to just have fun at school, and you think this is taking a part of it away, and to an extend I agree with you. That was exactly why I went to a public school in my early years up till I was 11, to just have fun and enjoy school life. My mum would privately tutor me in the summer, she always knew how smart I was, knew I loved to learn and helped me alot with alternative learning techniques, I but then went into private school, as I entered Secondary school, at 11, but I don't feel it helped
My dyslexia and the resulting IQ test was not done till I was 18 because my mum had taught me to cope with it so well, I love her for what she did, I do, it's made me who I am, I wouldn't of done it differently honest. But if I was tested earlier, it would of showed I am in the top 1% percentile, earlier, thus got the alternative teaching methods at school rather than in my own time, which i needed, much of which I do self taught now.

One thing they did at our school was have days when we could wear our casual clothes, just ever so often, maybe something to suggest if your on the parent-teacher comittee :)
I was on the PTA board at their school as well, and I honestly found this uniforms bit as only a "money maker" for the PTA. They are stating that the ONLY uniforms the kids can wear are to be bought from the PTA. I quit being on the board because of this. The prices are just crazy, and I wouldn't mind as much if they said.. ok.. Khakis and a solid color polo shirt. But they say it MUST be a school logo polo (costs $25 per shirt) AND school logo pants ($25 each) so really.. the cost is just nuts. I have 2 kids in the same school and $50 an outfit that they will out grow in 3 months?!
Really not "just" for parents.. but I wanted to see what others thought.

My daughters are 9 and 7, they attend public school. I got a notice home today telling me that school uniforms are now mandatory as of the 2007/2008 school year. Is it just me or is that just stripping kids of being themselves? Florida is bad enough with making kids pass a certain test, and if they fail that one test, they get left back. But now.. to make kids all wear the same thing is just silly to me. *shrug* I could understand this more if I had my children in private school, as most do have a dress code. but in public schools?! Oh .. here is the BEST part, you HAVE to buy the uniforms through the school.

Anyways.. was just wondering about any thoughts on this. :) I encourage my kids to be themselves that doing and acting like others isn't whats important. Its being who THEY are. And Palm Beach County now feels that they have the right to make them feel as they aren't themselves, that infact they are everyone else.

move to st lucie county :)
I was on the PTA board at their school as well, and I honestly found this uniforms bit as only a "money maker" for the PTA. They are stating that the ONLY uniforms the kids can wear are to be bought from the PTA. I quit being on the board because of this. The prices are just crazy, and I wouldn't mind as much if they said.. ok.. Khakis and a solid color polo shirt. But they say it MUST be a school logo polo (costs $25 per shirt) AND school logo pants ($25 each) so really.. the cost is just nuts. I have 2 kids in the same school and $50 an outfit that they will out grow in 3 months?!
Same with kiddos school a local place makes all the clothes and labels for her academy. Its not a money making scheme by the school, but if you tell a parent "blue khaki's and a light blue polo shirt" again how many different kinds/shades of color would all the parents come back with? They do it so they (and you know) you are getting exactly what is expected.
Im a teacher so this issue is not unfamilar to me (not that many school sin Sweden have uniforms, but still). I got no children yet...gonna reply anyhow ;)

I think their are both good and bad sides with uniforms.
*In todays society their is a huge pressure about having the latest stuff. You should have the latest and most expensive cell, cap, watch, shoes, clothes and so on. Children's greatest hobby is to shop!! (There are researches about this, and it is true - which is horrible). Children find their selfasteem in material and items, and identify themselves in items, instead of in themselves and who they are as a person. If the school asks you to wear a uniform, its a way to help and prevent this bad trend.
*Some (a lot) of parents can't afford this trend, and this is something that school uniforms help with too.

*The children need to build up their selfasteem, they should be able to express themselves and be themselves.
*They should learn that they are unique and special, and that that is a great thing!
*If you put on a uniform, you take some of the chances away of being unique and to express who you are (because some of that is in what you wear).

There is a thing going on here, tho not with uniforms. There are teachers that let their students have earplugs during class because the class is too noisy. This is an escape from the real issue, and instead of dealing with the issue (the class being too noisy) they let the students that feel disturbed wear earplugs :huh:

Conclusion: Uniform or not, don't *avoid* the real issues by putting uniforms on the kids, deal with the real issues!!
We (parents, adults, teachers) need to work with our children's beliefe in themselves. Help them build selfconfidence and self asteem. Help them to be able to express themselves, and stand up for what they believe in and not fall for group pressure :thumbsup:

In Sweden we don't have unifroms, and we don't have any real dress codes for the teachers :D
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I wore school uniform, tie, blazer the works, takes the hassle out of what to find to wear everyday. There is no he or she is wearing better this or that than me. It does change who you are as an individual. I would consider it the same as wearing a suit and tie to work...I wear scrubs to work everyday, guess thats my uniform right now...but, that doesn"t mean I cant wear a thong underneath them :p
Don't sweat it, they will still be who they are :)
I was on the PTA board at their school as well, and I honestly found this uniforms bit as only a "money maker" for the PTA. They are stating that the ONLY uniforms the kids can wear are to be bought from the PTA. I quit being on the board because of this. The prices are just crazy, and I wouldn't mind as much if they said.. ok.. Khakis and a solid color polo shirt. But they say it MUST be a school logo polo (costs $25 per shirt) AND school logo pants ($25 each) so really.. the cost is just nuts. I have 2 kids in the same school and $50 an outfit that they will out grow in 3 months?!
You could always try to fight the fact that you have to buy them with the school logo. When I lived in Delaware, my son's school required a uniform so that there was less burden on the parents to have all the name brand clothes. They required Khaki’s and a polo shirt with a limit of 3 - 4 different colors. I loved it as I could go to Wal-Mart and get pants and a shirt for $20.

The price they are making everyone pay is excessive, $250 for a weeks worth of clothes is quite a bit. Kids being kids will increase the cost even more throughout the year as the rip/stain their clothes.

In Brevard there isn't a requirement yet for school uniforms.
I could live with the uniform idea if they did that. I wouldn't mind putting my girls in a solid color polo shirt adn khakis everyday. My oldest is an artist and she expresses herself in her clothing at times (she makes her shirts and shoes, she paints them) and she felt great to be able to express herself that way. I just don't want this uniform idea to hinder her wanting to continue to express herself. *shrug* I'm sure I'm reading way too much into it.. but I'm a Mom, I want to have school something she "wants" to do .. as she will go MUCH farther in it if she enjoys it.
I could live with the uniform idea if they did that. I wouldn't mind putting my girls in a solid color polo shirt adn khakis everyday. My oldest is an artist and she expresses herself in her clothing at times (she makes her shirts and shoes, she paints them) and she felt great to be able to express herself that way. I just don't want this uniform idea to hinder her wanting to continue to express herself. *shrug* I'm sure I'm reading way too much into it.. but I'm a Mom, I want to have school something she "wants" to do .. as she will go MUCH farther in it if she enjoys it.
Of course :) But around the age when they hit the early teens, a lot of kids see school as a must, not something they really truely enjoy.
I'm always trying to 'pep-talk' and make the classes funny and interesting so I can help preventing that (Im firm and fair acording to my students, and very silly :p And I expect them to try their best). But some of them will go that's part pof being a teen and 'revolting'.