Fallen Earth

I still play when Im not working on JuxtaWorlds. Been playing since launch and plan to play til it closes down. My main is Tirrem, but Im usually on my alt that cant be named.
i haven't been playing thanks to call of duty but i plan on making a return very soon. whyy, did u wanna play mister FE crap talker?? :P
i haven't been playing thanks to call of duty but i plan on making a return very soon. whyy, did u wanna play mister FE crap talker?? :P

I'd like to try it but you should give me a buddy key or some shit lmao lemme try it out before it purchase it.
My name is Vakii, im level 3 so far, Im fucking irratated because I cant trade with anyone because im on trial. and the fact that I have to run instead of mount. I'm not sure if I wanna buy it yet because so far I disike how it's all crafting and no random good drops. Even SWG had random good drops you could get. The graphics are better than the youtube videos they dont give it justice. I actually don't mind the fighting either. Don't mind the FPS part even though that sucked in NGE.
Actually I rememeber the first month of swg I never had a single usable item drop. But anyway yes items do drop just not as prominent at low levels, and there are auction houses, but I mainly craft my own stuff unless I get them from quests. Oh and there shnoujld be a noobie quest for a mount or at the very least for 100 or so chips tehres an old nag you can buy.

LIke I said higher up though I dont play that much due to my current situation and when I do its on my alt who shall remain nameless, but you can always contact me here if you have any questions.
This is probably old news, but did you know Tiggs from the SWG forums apparently has a contract with Fallen Earth in/as customer support? Uses the same nickname, too.