Face of Mankind (open beta)


Hey all, not sure if any of you have had any experience with Face of Mankind, but it's been in and out of beta since around 2004 from what I've gathered. It's in open beta right now and I'm really enjoying it ^_^ Reminds me a lot of SWG.

The setting is science fiction market/land wars. Think EVE with people instead of space ships.

-8 unique factions (each faction acts as a large guild. within factions there are departments; military, economic, diplomatic, etc.) The leadership of each faction is by elected player officials.

-no avatar skills/classes/"xp" (it's played as a 3rd person shooter, a lot like NGE actually, but each character is essentially the same.)

-all items are player crafted (each colony, playing field/city, has certain minerals that can be mined from it. with these minerals you make production items. with production items you can make items. different factions have monopolies on various things)

-open pvp (when you attack someone you get penalty points. you get more if you kill them. the police faction can scan you and see what your penalty point total is and if you have any contraband on you. if you do they can arrest you and send you to jail where you serve until your penalty points are worked off. this can take around 30mins, give or take.)

-pretty good forum community


Right now it's in open beta with plans to go free to play/premium accounts soon. It's really the first game I've played to interest me since SWG. LOTS of room for RP and lots of role-players.

Unfortunately there are a lot of tools/gankers/spammers that play and the game has some serious lag issues lately. Game's been getting patched a couple times a week since open beta started which i take as a good sign, though. It was also wiped at the beginning of open beta so the curve isn't too horrible yet. No plans to wipe after OB, though.

But yeah! I suggest checking it out at least.

I'm in the Guardians of Mankind, the peace promoters and corruption protesters of the game. We're also one of the smallest factions (40 online members as opposed to the 100+ of some other factions). We've got the monopoly on medic guns and the best med kits, which is pretty nice. It's nice to be able to jump in a game and already have a good guild community and ventrilo set up. I was hooked in the first 10 mins ^_^
I'm gonna give it a try, if there a faction of thieves (tiebs) or murderers something along those lines.