Don't get your knickers in a twist bump! ^_^Kitty bump because i want to damn it ^_^ so bite me nay-sayers of kitty bump :angry:
Kitty Bump! ^_^Don't get your knickers in a twist bump! ^_^
*thinks Merly should contact Dorling-Kindersley to do the Star Wars Visual Guide to Wanderhome*
'splain Lucy...
what is this???
What about the kitties and the sheeps? <_<yawnie bump
OMG my head is going to explode! Trying to work around the SW canon is a realy (fill in rude word) pain the ( another rude word). Why didn't I start writing kid's books about fuzzy polarbears and cutsie penguins.
it's like trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together with pieces from ten different boxes of differnt puzzles.
*bangs head on keyboard*