not as good as a 4 month weekend
Bedtime... but, but, It's 6amearly bedtime for me bump!
See?! It's earlyonly 10:10pm here
LMAO!! :lol:lol here ya go hun
Yep its just a cuddly crab until they are old enough to see the film.But it's just a plushie..
Yeah these days all the small kids have seen things like Terminator, Alien all the 18 horrors when they are like 5-10.Yes I saw it when I was maybe 10 or 11 and had terrible nightmares... lol that's what I get for watching rated R movies when my parents are out of town!
On a side note, which I think is REALLY fucked up, but I used to game with a guy who has a daughter who must be maybe 8 now but at the time she was like 5, and Aliens was her FAVORITE MOVIE.
I was blown away he let her watch it at all!
Yeah these days all the small kids have seen things like Terminator, Alien all the 18 horrors when they are like 5-10.I had no chance of seeing them... back in the day... before easy rental.
Merly is too happy in the morning BUMP! <_<
Plus you've given me your sneezes!