that's awesome I wish I got a Piano, though I dont know how to play one... but id learn!bouncing about with massive excitement because I get a piano!!!!!!!!
bouncing about with massive excitement because I get a piano!!!!!!!!
bouncing about with massive excitement because I get a piano!!!!!!!!
w00t! [/b]
You can download a piano program and use the keyboard instead:woot: That's awesome. I have one, but I need to give it away sometime. I don't have the space for it, and I don't play as much as I should.
You can download a piano program and use the keyboard instead [/b]
:blush::hug: one of those days bump.
1 hours... for what?
awwsorry 1 hour before i get outta here........I am such a clock watcher today
Too hot? I thought you lived in England? [/b]
Here is hot. Fortunately inside the building, temperature is quite low ^_^hot?