I woulda talked to ya! But watching TV and eating was more important.*sniff* i miss my tuesday chat friend *sniff*
I'm a good Priestess/My PC is piling up with random crap BUMPinch:
I woulda talked to ya! But watching TV and eating was more important.If you're a good Priestess I may talk to you tomorrow. :lol:
Bump cuz I love feeling better after being sick.
So that is what happened to you yesterday.
Bump for the temporary end to my reign of tyranny
ouch sorry to hear that tiv!
but along the same lines......
bump for me seemingly having a cold for about 7 months
i think i have actually but i cant be sure. i think its something to do with when i started university - "freshers flu". it hasnt gone away even when im at home though lol
Day 4 of the Rankin WatchBUMP
Still missin' the fishin'
:hug:Day 4 of the Rankin WatchBUMP
Still missin' the fishin'