Bryan Fuller Star Trek series?

an animated trek series similar to the style of clone wars has been kicked around for years. this new idea of going back to the kirk-spock era doesnt excite me. what set apart that era from the rest is that star trek had a blank slate to work with. anything done then defined the trek universe, its history, and its politics. you cant go back to that era or before and try to add things. enterprise tried and failed
Enterprise wasn't going back, it was going forward. It just took place in the past.

I think he was talking about going back to the optimism and wonder of the original final frontier. Not necessarily the time line. Getting back to the roots of what Star Trek is all about, whether that meant setting the show in the past or in the future.

Personally, if I were producing a new Trek show, I'd throw it into the future again, just to get away from everything that we've seen before. And I'd make it reflect our world today. But I'm not a showrunner (yet).