Blu-Ray Wins

I have 3 Mbps smacked into my phone plan for $100 a month total. I also get free long distance, voice mail, etc etc with it.
ya I only get 5mb down and 768kup(ya got to love that) for $50+ a month thats up in oregon and even worse in Idaho.
time out. YOU may have those speeds. California may have those speeds. The rest of the nation does not. European countries are covered almost entirely by those speeds. I know for a fact that Greece, which is hands down the most overpriced country in Europe (and has internet usage of about 20% of the population), is getting speeds of 25Mbps for $40 a month.

France on the other hand is offering 20Mbps with phone and internet for the same price of $40 a month. But wait, the same company (Neuf) is also offering a 50Mbps connection bundle with TV and phone for the same price in Paris, and $50 elsewhere. Here's the kicker. France's Numericable is offering 100Mbps for $30 a month unbundled.

So there you have the two extremes of Europe, Greece and France. Most of Europe lies between those extremes, and by most I mean the majority of it's landmass, not just coastal hubs.

Actually, more of the US has those speeds than you might think, and the number grows by the day:
Is it everywhere yet, nope, but it is much more than just MA and CA.

Now as for the price, France offers 20Mbps and phone service for $40 US dollars a month, man, there is absolutely no competing with that. That's truly impressive. But, hearing what the English hear have said, I don't think it is all of Europe.
Yay for a clear winner now they can polish the techonology make it cheaper and I can burn to blu ray rather than DvD.
I do prefer digital media over any other format. I do have the speed to DL HD stuff. Besides, I can leave it overnight if it comes to that. Been getting movies from Direct2Drive and iTunes. Is totally inexpensive and well worth it over going to buy a HDDVD (30 bucks) or a Blue-ray (50 bucks). A digital DL can go for a total of 15 bucks. And is already HD, ya just have to connect yer puter to an HD TV, or in my case a projector and enjoy. ^_^
France on the other hand is offering 20Mbps with phone and internet for the same price of $40 a month. But wait, the same company (Neuf) is also offering a 50Mbps connection bundle with TV and phone for the same price in Paris, and $50 elsewhere. Here's the kicker. France's Numericable is offering 100Mbps for $30 a month unbundled.
And yet they can't seem to get a grasp on the concept of Air Conditioning. Imagine that.
And yet they can't seem to get a grasp on the concept of Air Conditioning. Imagine that.

Oh, they get the concept, they just don't feel they need it. See, no A/C has two effects in Paris. First, it forces the entire city to go on holiday for the entire month of August. Second, it is an excellent means of population control, see, they don't have an elderly problem in France...get my drift.