Blu-Ray Wins


Fried Yoda
Staff member
Some of my favorite quites over the years:

I'm searching for Beta video tape press announcements...


Is this the end of HD-DVD? Doubtful. It is still the superior format for consumers and is supported by Microsoft. Odds are, it will likely end up the computer standard.

Which in all honesty might be the overall determining factor that propels HD-DVD into the winning position. There is a little known retailer out there that has already announced that it will carry one and not both of the formats in the long term. Might of heard about them... Wal-mart. Sadly they will play a huge roll in who wins this war wether you want to admit it or not. And with HD-DVD being the cheaper of two my bet is going to be on HD-DVD.

According to the porn industry the life cycle of the Blue-Ray is a lot shorter than you think.

Doesn't mean Blu-Ray is the long term solution it just means...

1) Movies have dictated all the other media formats

2) The company with the deeper pockets won

Whether it be HD-DVD or Blu-Ray, neither really impress me. It just means slightly better image quality and more special features crammed on to a disk to fill space. Features I could care less about.
I don't really follow it but I do get the impression from what I saw that Sony really did spend the cash to buy this win.

Sony only spent money on ONE studio. If it was to spend money on all studios, it would be in the red for the next 15 years. Warner Bros was the catalyst, and Sony didn't spend cash on them.

Bottom line: Blu-Ray won
At the time, porn was leaning towards HD-DVD, so I thought it would win. I can admit to being wrong.

Which is more than I can say for some...

Well, I didn't post this as a way of being wrong or right. I posted this to pour salt one the wounds for those who hate all Sony products because of SWG. I'm not saying you are one of them, but there are plenty of those people here. It's sad, really. Sort of like not being able to get over an ex-girlfriend even though she cheated on you, stole your money, left you with a baby to raise on your own, ran off to a distant country, and married some filthy rich 70 year old :D
Well, I didn't post this as a way of being wrong or right. I posted this to pour salt one the wounds for those who hate all Sony products because of SWG. I'm not saying you are one of them, but there are plenty of those people here. It's sad, really. Sort of like not being able to get over an ex-girlfriend even though she cheated on you, stole your money, left you with a baby to raise on your own, ran off to a distant country, and married some filthy rich 70 year old :D

Hey, I am still shocked all those studios rolled over so quickly, one right after another. But, money will do amazing things.

Still will probably buy the Apple TV to watch HD movies though...not "hating" the Blue-Ray, but I think downloading content is the future of home entertainment over format wars.
I definitely see that potential in Europe right now, but not in the U.S. for at least another 5 years. U.S. ISP's are too fucking douchy to provide high-speed access at an affordable price. Which is why the norm is still 1.5-3Mbps here whereas it's around 10-20Mbps in Europe for the same price.
Some of my favorite quites over the years:

Originally Posted by Madrigal
Is this the end of HD-DVD? Doubtful. It is still the superior format for consumers and is supported by Microsoft. Odds are, it will likely end up the computer standard.



A$$hole, don't make me say "Star Trek Online"

At least my DVD burner is relieved. :rolleyes:

I'm still not going blu-ray till a full featured player (meaning 2.0 or better) can be got for under 200 bucks. Meaning, see ya @ Christmas 2009... Maybe.

But then, Sony could (and probably should) offer some kind of trade in for my A-30 and HD-DVDs. It would be a classy move on their part.

But with 3000p tv's, and holographic discs already out, does it make sense to wait a little bit longer for uncompressed movies? Or am I just smoking crack again?
Well, I didn't post this as a way of being wrong or right. I posted this to pour salt one the wounds for those who hate all Sony products because of SWG. I'm not saying you are one of them, but there are plenty of those people here. It's sad, really. Sort of like not being able to get over an ex-girlfriend even though she cheated on you, stole your money, left you with a baby to raise on your own, ran off to a distant country, and married some filthy rich 70 year old :D

Awesome analogy, Stav. You are right. Putting money into Sony's pocket again and again feels a lot like this. :lol:

BTW, I know a lot of people who buy just Sony, or just Apple products. They also sit in Eames chairs beneath Louis Poulsen floor lamps. It's a design thing. They know these products are not necessarily better or more functional. But they will pay much more for the design. Sony and Apple provide it better than just about anyone else atm. Bang & Olufsen used to serve this crowd, but since design is so mainstream now...
I definitely see that potential in Europe right now, but not in the U.S. for at least another 5 years. U.S. ISP's are too fucking douchy to provide high-speed access at an affordable price. Which is why the norm is still 1.5-3Mbps here whereas it's around 10-20Mbps in Europe for the same price.

Depends on what you call reasonable, let me look up FIOS prices...

Part of a package deal Verizon offers 20Mbps down and 2 Mbps up for only $37/month for the Internet part.

I, like others in the northeast get fiber optics straight to our house for prices cheaper than cable, does Europe really have better prices than that? If they do, I would be impressed.

Plus throw in the Apple TVs latest upgrade, and basically you get 1080p movies streamed to your house right now.
UK sucks for Adsl. I can get 4mb max on my line. The most that most areas of the country get is 8mb.

All the major companies tend to port block or throttle internet too with Fair Use Policies to stop abusers.

Now they are talking with film companies to ban major offenders of downloads too. :rolleyes:
yeah it is very rare you get the full line speeds unless you are right next to the exchange (like me at home :D)

also the companies offering the 20mb+ tend to be really shit. perhaps when BT get their fingers out and do what theyve been saying they are going to do for the last 2-3 years things might change a bit.

So, the FIOS at my house is faster than a majority of Europe, cool. Also I wonder what the EU is paying for their broadband, you said it was cheap (well cheaper than here), I would like to know how cheap.

I don't get to pay the $37/month like I mentioned earlier, that was for new customers, I pay around $45/month for my 20Mbps with the package I have. $45/month is about 30 Euro/month, is that what the countries listed in your chart pay for ~20Mbps service? Honestly, I have no clue, how much do our EU friends on this board pay for their broadband connection?

Now that 50Mbps connection Virgin is setting up sounds pimp, I don't know if I would ever reach a cap on that, I barely do it with the 20Mbps (actually I think the only caps I hit are from the server I am accessing, except when I go to or something big like that), wonder how much that service would be?
All really high speed connections like Virgin are usually Cable. Most of the UK doesn't have that capability. Hell a lot of areas can't get Broadband!

I pay £19.99 a month which is average. Max 8mb. 30gb limit peak time and 300gb off peak, that's not a common deal though.
There are cheaper deals which will restrict usage or speeds. Most companies lock you into 12 month deals too.

All of which has nothing to do with Blu-Ray! :lol:
So, the FIOS at my house is faster than a majority of Europe, cool. Also I wonder what the EU is paying for their broadband, you said it was cheap (well cheaper than here), I would like to know how cheap.

I don't get to pay the $37/month like I mentioned earlier, that was for new customers, I pay around $45/month for my 20Mbps with the package I have. $45/month is about 30 Euro/month, is that what the countries listed in your chart pay for ~20Mbps service? Honestly, I have no clue, how much do our EU friends on this board pay for their broadband connection?

Now that 50Mbps connection Virgin is setting up sounds pimp, I don't know if I would ever reach a cap on that, I barely do it with the 20Mbps (actually I think the only caps I hit are from the server I am accessing, except when I go to or something big like that), wonder how much that service would be?
time out. YOU may have those speeds. California may have those speeds. The rest of the nation does not. European countries are covered almost entirely by those speeds. I know for a fact that Greece, which is hands down the most overpriced country in Europe (and has internet usage of about 20% of the population), is getting speeds of 25Mbps for $40 a month.

France on the other hand is offering 20Mbps with phone and internet for the same price of $40 a month. But wait, the same company (Neuf) is also offering a 50Mbps connection bundle with TV and phone for the same price in Paris, and $50 elsewhere. Here's the kicker. France's Numericable is offering 100Mbps for $30 a month unbundled.

So there you have the two extremes of Europe, Greece and France. Most of Europe lies between those extremes, and by most I mean the majority of it's landmass, not just coastal hubs.