Blockbuster opts for Blu-ray


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In a major blow to the HD DVD format, the popular rental store announces it will move to selling only Blu-ray in many outlets, cites PS3 as one of the reasons.

By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK Posted Jun 18, 2007 1:07 pm GMT

International video rental giant Blockbuster has taken a step toward picking a winner in the biggest format war since VHS versus Betamax. It's announced that from next month, when the store chain is going to be expanding its high-def movie range, it will be offering only the Blu-ray next-generation DVD format across 1,450 outlets, reports Associated Press.

The company stated that the reason behind its decision was that since late last year it had been offering customers a choice of Blu-ray and HD DVD formats in some 250 stores, and found that people opted for Blu-ray more than 70 percent of the time.

Blockbuster's senior vice president of merchandising, Matthew Smith, said, "The consumers are sending us a message. I can't ignore what I'm seeing."

The Blockbuster executive said that the main factor for this was that all major studios bar one will be releasing films in Blu-ray, and that some, including Walt Disney, were opting for exclusive releases on that format. Smith said that the launch of Sony's PlayStation 3, which can also play Blu-ray movies, helped the format "gain momentum."

HD DVD movies would continue to be available in the original 250 stores which are already offering them, as well as online.

Blockbuster was founded in 1985 and is based in Dallas, Texas. The company currently has around 700 stores in the UK and over 9,000 stores in a further 23 countries worldwide. A Blockbuster UK spokesperson refused to comment as to whether the decision would be an international one or whether it was US-only.


Well, what do you expect? People bought a PS3, they might as well use it for something other then collecting dust.
I live in an area with 3/4 of a million people and all but 3 of the blockbusters have closed. I live in downtown Augusta and the closest BB to me is about 15 minutes away. Is this occurring anywhere else?

And wasn't there a rumor Wal-Mart was going to be pushing HD?

To be honest I don't care which format wins. IMO right now neither are worth the cost.
Timi that is libel, and I will be asking Stav for your IP, then sending a subpoena to your ISP for your personal information. Once your Personal information is gathered I will hire a lawyer in your local town to represent me as the plaintiff, who would then send you the summons to appear in your local court, where I will claim libel damages.

But, meh I don't feel like it at the moment. :D
Timi that is libel, and I will be asking Stav for your IP, then sending a subpoena to your ISP for your personal information. Once your Personal information is gathered I will hire a lawyer in your local town to represent me as the plaintiff, who would then send you the summons to appear in your local court, where I will claim libel damages.

But, meh I don't feel like it at the moment. :D


The fact you even say that regardless of joking or not is pretty damn sad and says a lot about your character, but whatever. If you feel you need to threaten people to inflate your ego, that's your business.
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I don't have a Blockbuster near me so I don't care. Shit will still be released on HD-DVD.. hell shit is still being released on VHS.

Also why are you getting such a hard on for Blu-ray? I don't go around "HURR HDDVD FTW"
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I don't have a Blockbuster near me so I don't care. Shit will still be released on HD-DVD.. hell shit is still being released on VHS.

Also why are you getting such a hard on for Blu-ray? I don't go around "HURR HDDVD FTW"

It's because he's so frustrated about being wrong in every other aspect concerning how the PS3 is 'teh best systemz evar', he has to bring something somewhat valid to the table. :D
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Shit I'll probably get a Blu-ray player down the road if it turns out alright, but it's not going to make me buy a PS3. I didn't buy a 360 to watch HD movies.
Shit I'll probably get a Blu-ray player down the road if it turns out alright, but it's not going to make me buy a PS3. I didn't buy a 360 to watch HD movies.

No, but games will be released that need a BR disk, and HD DVD, so your fucked then. :D
No, but games will be released that need a BR disk, and HD DVD, so your fucked then. :D

How exactly am I fucked? PS3 games will need Blu-ray disk, not 360. I currently do not have a PS3 or a Blu-Ray player, so I really don't give a damn. :rolleyes:
block buster i htink i remember them ...oh yeah the old rental chain thats dropping sales faster than a whore on payday ..also a history of shoddy business decisions too if i rememeber correctly ( i especially liked the " were gonna rent pc titles now " attempt ...whew what a trainwreck)
block buster i htink i remember them ...oh yeah the old rental chain thats dropping sales faster than a whore on payday ..also a history of shoddy business decisions too if i rememeber correctly ( i especially liked the " were gonna rent pc titles now " attempt ...whew what a trainwreck)

I always thought the "no late fees" scam was their biggest blunder.

Guess who?!
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The lil video club down the road, where I go rent movies has a bunch of BR too. No HD's whatsoever. Here in town is either BB or lil video store I go to. Hollywood Video has HDs, but closest one is 45mins away :p