Besides Stavrose, who can beat my join date?

OMG lets make a club and call it the OMGZ STAV TOLD US THE SAME DAY TO SIGN UP CLUB!!!! I think it would be leet. :p
Ok now everyone recall where they were when they first registered for Wanderhomies... it's kinda like "where were you when the planes hit the towers"... only MUCH more important. :p

I'll go first! I was in C-net near the bank & imp chat was all chatty... see how fun this will be?! ... or it will prove how lame I am, that I'm the only one that remembers... either way, I'm ok with it :D
I'll go first! I was in C-net near the bank & imp chat was all chatty... see how fun this will be?! ... or it will prove how lame I am, that I'm the only one that remembers... either way, I'm ok with it :D

Not going to answer that as I want to stay attached to my dangly bits. :o :lol:
But how can you remember the exact place! :huh: :D
I had read the post on the official wanderhome server forums that Stavrose was in the process of making a community site for everyone. He then posted the link and I signed up. Voila. :p