Been Busy


New member
Hi folks,

After being made redundant from Sony, I was unemployed for a large part of the spring. Now, I work within Health Care as a Business Intelligence Officer, kind of like an Information Analyst. As for gaming, what's that?

As for me I have moved in with my fiancé, and saving up for a house, not much. I am waiting for the next big MMO to come out, and the economy to pick back up to get back into the industry.

How is everyone else?
Hi folks,

After being made redundant from Sony, I was unemployed for a large part of the spring. Now, I work within Health Care as a Business Intelligence Officer, kind of like an Information Analyst. As for gaming, what's that?

As for me I have moved in with my fiancé, and saving up for a house, not much. I am waiting for the next big MMO to come out, and the economy to pick back up to get back into the industry.

How is everyone else?

Well, first of all, good to see you again Banana. Sorry about your deal with Sony. Grats on the new job though and your fiancee. Don't hold your breath on the economy but don't let that stop you from doing what you want to do. Visit the SWTOR section and play the waiting game like the rest of us. It is usually updated with the latest updates worth mentioning as well. Welcome back.
hay BM good to hear you doing well
i have been sitting on sillywalker ts for last 6 month on my own

Sorry Scall, Everything should be alright, i'll be back on TS again soon, I am also getting a new i7 rig at the end of the month, so getting ready for the winter nights of gaming. :D
good to see you again ya twat, wheres your brother been at too haven't seen him in a long time.
Nice to see your still around. As for me after HP decided my whole department which composed of just me was no longer needed. I decided to stop play and beta testing everyone else's games and make my own. Got tired of having my resume rejected for even the lowlest of jobs too. Glad to here from you again.
Well, first of all, good to see you again Banana. Sorry about your deal with Sony. Grats on the new job though and your fiancee. Don't hold your breath on the economy but don't let that stop you from doing what you want to do. Visit the SWTOR section and play the waiting game like the rest of us. It is usually updated with the latest updates worth mentioning as well. Welcome back.

If you like CoH/CoV you'll like Champions. It's a lot faster pace (a bit more arcadish, since it's going to console as well).
congrats on the new job and my condolences on the engagement :p. from your tweeting it doesn't sound like you are enjoying it that much though? even so, after being unemployed for ages im sure you realise you are one of the lucky ones that has a job right now.

my job search was horrendous to say the least - learned a lot from it though if i am ever out of a job again
Good to hear from you, and grats to the engagement, and to soon to be houseowner! :)
As for me, well, got a baby girl :wub: That's the big thing in me and my man's life now ^_^ So, I'm home from work on parental leave for about 7 months, then my man is gonna be home for a few months as well :)
Playing a variety of games, SWG, CoH, Eve, and waiting for TOR :)
Plus we are re-building our terrace :)
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