Azrail Is

See how long this Avatar stays online for! :lol: :D
It's tasteful. No nipples showing ;)
Damn you Timi for converting me to the Dark Side! :p
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Star Trek Voyager - Deleted scene ;)

See how long this Avatar stays online for! :lol: :D
It's tasteful. No nipples showing ;)
Damn you Timi for converting me to the Dark Side! :p
I think that's so silly. They sencor the nipples on some Amercian TV shows even tho it's not even 10% of the actual boob :rolleyes:
I don't think it's less tastefull 'cause you see the nipples, the whole boob is tasteful! ^_^
News flash guys, ALL pics of those models/actresses are fake nowadays ;) It's called photoshop :rolleyes:
Sorry to crush your dreams :p
There's touching up a real picture Zana and then there's ripping off someone head and sticking it on a Nude body.
That's what Prodigy was aluding to.

PLUS most of the pics I have uploaded I have altered in Paint Shop Pro to make look a bit better. So they would of course look a lot more fake.
There's touching up a real picture Zana and then there's ripping off someone head and sticking it on a Nude body.
That's what Prodigy was aluding to.

PLUS most of the pics I have uploaded I have altered in Paint Shop Pro to make look a bit better. So they would of course look a lot more fake.
I got what he meant Az, was just teasing...savvy? :rolleyes::p
But if you ever look at when they do it, it's more then just 'touching up' in many cases... part of the reason to all the false ideals that exists *shrug*