What do u think about NGE

I said bring back the good ole days 'cause I want to bounty hunt Jedi again.
Bring back the Good Ole' days damn it! I don't care if BHs can kill me I just want Pre CU!! Atleast back then every mob you encountered was different. /sigh
Yes i do agree that the old days was great! pre pub 9 and all that. SOE begs to differ tho. :( wish they still had corpse runs :) hehe

oh well se la ve se la va la la la ah nah nah nah nah nah live goes on!
You know FPS wouldn't be too bad. However a couple important points.

1. SWG is not an FPS - as it is now it would be the saddest FPS ever and that includes this one Java-based FPS I've played online. Not even worthy of being called a "wanna-be FPS".

2. It can't really work as an FPS because they didn't make the engine for that, they didn't start with FPS in mind, so it simply would (and will) never work.
wouldnt it be insane to have a halflife 2/SOF2 version of starwars. fps but never ending maps and such, planet travel, cool quests, if they started out with an engine like HL2 or SOF2 that would be a different game altogether. Still have all the same stuff, just in that engine. Might be interesting :)
Originally posted by Hermione
wouldnt it be insane to have a halflife 2/SOF2 version of starwars. fps but never ending maps and such, planet travel, cool quests, if they started out with an engine like HL2 or SOF2 that would be a different game altogether. Still have all the same stuff, just in that engine. Might be interesting :)

Nah, I'd rather have pre-pub 9, with no DOT weapons, and all armor able to be crafted as good as composite was back then (so there would'nt be comp clones.). Oh yeah, and ID's get a race change ability, 'cause I farking hate Ithorian.
You know, it's kinda sad that every time i see a poll on this question it's an overwhelming amount of people who want to bring the old system back.... and i can bet, most would want a modified pre-9 system.

Implement the armor changes teh CU brought, the health/buff changes, also implement class specific defence to cut down defence stacking, and then put in some medic changes so that the more medic you have, the less defence you have over all(to make all CM and MD templates be mroe supportive templates). If they did that with a pre-9 game, i think most people in this game would be happy.

Leave jedi powerfull, but allow more BH to take a mission for higher lvl jedi. For example:
0 - 50,000 bounty = 2 BH max.
50,001 - 100k bounty = 3 BH max.
100,001 - 150k = 4 BH max.
150,001 - 200k = 5 BH max.
200k - 300k = 6 BH
300k - 500k = 7 BH(this would be FRS only studff :D)
500k - 700k = 8 BH
700k - 1 Mil = 9 BH
1 mil +(Jedi Masters) 10 BH

Make it so that BH must be master BH to hunt jedi, and so that to grab the same mission, you just have to be in the group with your fellow BH(so 2 BH in same group when taking 50k bounty means they both get the mission) Then they can remove names off the terminals(leave ammonts on) and no griefing possible. THen just make it so that Jedi at those respective levels can take on that many Full template BH in a fair fight(obviously BH will try to get an advantage and so will the jedi)

A combination of Pre-CU with Post-CU systems would un-doubtably be possible, and be in my opinion, what most people playing this game want.
Rehhtahn, maybe you should lookup being a game designer. Then you get paid for coming up with ideas... in fact it's one thing I'm looking at myself.
i eventually will post my ideas of what i would love swg to be... however my fingers would cramp up long before i finish.
Originally posted by Darein
Rehhtahn, maybe you should lookup being a game designer.  Then you get paid for coming up with ideas... in fact it's one thing I'm looking at myself.
Actually, I have a Bachelor's degree in computer informations systems, but SOE won't hire me :(
Originally posted by Hermione
i eventually will post my ideas of what i would love swg to be... however my fingers would cramp up long before i finish.
too true, if i thought the dev's would listen and even put up one server I'd be more then willing to write up a 20 page report on exactly what changes need to be made.

heck, if they were to give me all the pre-9 formula's, I'd even be willing to go through each one and modify them myself so all they would have to do is plug them in.

that being said i'm going to go apply at SOE again lol.
I applied for Senior Game Designer position, as well as a few other positions :D, no saying i'll get to work on SWG if i do get hired, but I'd push for it hehe.
Ya, i think so, I would love to work in game development, and if I could work on a star wars game then i would be set. I'd have to say that that would be my dream job :D.