Your wish...

1. To not be sick for a couple of days. (I'm starting to think I need to see a sinus person)
2. A better job for my husband that won't hurt him physically.
3. Another car so my husband can get to said better job.
4. Central air for my parents that they don't have cut into their retirement fund for.
5. My sister to be healthy without worry about cancer coming from other places.
6. My brother's ex-wife to leave him and his kids alone.
7. My friends to be happy and without worries next year.
8. Maybe a house to live in.

I know it's a lot, but I can wish ;)

1. I want Pre CU
2. I want a new computer with all the bells and whistles
3. I want The Witcher to work with my current computer because I'm bored
4. I want Spore to finally release
a day off would be nice...........I guess I will finally get one of those sometime around mid January or so.

seriously though........I want my wife and kids to be happy (they are already but I want them to stay that way :) ).

I want my mom to start feeling better (right now she is stressed from having my sisters kids living with her while my sister goes through her legal troubles) and be happier.

think that is about it. Dont really have any wishes for myself.
I wish for this

1. a bigger place to live in

2. for all that are sick to get better soon

3. for world peace

4. Snow for Christmas

5. All of you guys and girls to have the best christmas ever ^_^
I'm wishing, umm rather hoping, that my venison in red wine sauce turns out ok....
Other than that...I still haven't decided.
NORAD santa tracking ftw.
Gah! I still have chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies to make...then slow cook beef over rest for the wicked...
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