Your theories


New member
On the lights in the sky before the Chinese earthquake, these anomilies are not just localised to China, they have happened before, at various locations before an earthquake had occurred, nothing has been been proved as to what causes them, just wondered what your thoughts were :)
Fault lines tend to have high amounts of electromagnetic energy. It was probably a weak form of heat lightning if it really happened.
The magnetic field over the earth effects a lot of things. I think it's very possible that the two are connected :)
It was me. I got the footage and showed it to Welchy. I have since destroyed the only copy as the operative known as "Hong Kong Foey" demanded it's immediate destruction. We have since discovered there was actually no lights, footage or eartquake. Nothing happened at all. Any further inquiries will be met with a rousing round of "what you talkin' 'bout willis!" as our leader, Mr. Coleman has so demanded us to state.
It was me. I got the footage and showed it to Welchy. I have since destroyed the only copy as the operative known as "Hong Kong Foey" demanded it's immediate destruction. We have since discovered there was actually no lights, footage or eartquake. Nothing happened at all. Any further inquiries will be met with a rousing round of "what you talkin' 'bout willis!" as our leader, Mr. Coleman has so demanded us to state.

Gary Coleman would rather die in a fire than utter that one line ever again. Hell he's actually punched a fan because of it and got charged. :P
Fault lines tend to have high amounts of electromagnetic energy. It was probably a weak form of heat lightning if it really happened.


The lights look like a poor man's version of the borealis. All the signs of EM activity bending light.

But, don't say that to the conspiracy folk, I truly love hearing their ideas.
Is there something in the water supply in the USA? :D

I think its the natural minerals and steroids mixed together that give us all a very creative and interesting imagination. When I say minerals, I'm referring to the pharmaceuticals that have been flushed down the toilet and refined into powerful minerals that give us super energy and halucinations of delusional grandure.