"You-know-who's" disbarrment hearing started this morning

What exactly did he try to do to the gaming industry? Someone wanna fill me in on the backstory here?
What exactly did he try to do to the gaming industry? Someone wanna fill me in on the backstory here?

He likes to /report just about every game that hits store shelves.

Seriously though, he's on the anti-violent video game wagon. He pretty much makes a fuss out of every violent video game that's out or coming out.
What exactly did he try to do to the gaming industry? Someone wanna fill me in on the backstory here?

Okay, Christian Conservative lawyer who has kept inserting himself in the mainstream news for years by suing/litigating/anything he can against sexual or violent imagery in the media. He started by attacking rap music (specifically 2 Live Crew's 1989 album) and started to also go after various other music artists (everything from rap to Madonna), with quite limited success.

He then started to turn his attention to video games after a 1997 school shooting (Heath High School), where he sued because the shooter owned Doom (and a host of other games) and he owned the movie The Basketball Diaries. Needless to say the case was dismissed as ridiculous.

Then he went after Grand Theft Auto III in 2003, trying to say it showed kids how to kill cops and other people etc, he was suing for about $250 million in this case. He also went after GTA3 several other times in other lawsuits around the country from Tenn, to Ohio and beyond. Luckily, all those cases have been dismissed.

Then he went after Grand Theft Auto: Vice City serveal times starting in 2006. He made claims that GTA:VC taught the killer: "how to point and shoot a gun in a fashion making him an extraordinarily effective killer without teaching him any of the constraints or responsibilities needed to inhibit such a killing capacity."

He has also claimed that violent video games are “murder simulators” for teenagers. That the military likes violent video games because they allow “for a way to disconnect in the soldier’s mind the physical act of pulling the trigger from the awful reality that a life may end.”. Also he said the PS2's Dual Shock controller "gives you a pleasurable buzz back into your hands with each kill. This is operant conditioning, behavior modification right out of...a laboratory." He has also called them "mental masturbation" and has said that “If some wacked-out adult wants to spend his time playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, one has to wonder why he doesn’t get a life".

He has been shown to just right out lie on nation television to get attention to his causes, he has gone after games from Bully to The Sims 2.

He has already lost his license to practice law in the state of Alabama

He cost the state of Louisiana $92k due to an unconstitutional law.

He submitted gay porn to a US District Judge in an attempted lawsuit.

He has tried to get the creators of Penny Arcade arrested for criminal harassment.

Also, he is a list of his exploits in a blog entry history at GamePolitics.com

This is the major points, his other nonsense with Howard Stern, Janet Reno, pornography and everything in-between are also available to be read. The man has confused his beliefs with the law for long enough.

/rant over
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Wow did that guy get raped by a pinball machine when he was little or something lol.
Jack is just now having a disbarment hearing? I stopped paying attention to that loon a few years ago since it's obvious the only person he's ever going to succesfully put on trial is himself.
Well if you must know the pinball machine and I had a long lasting relationship untill one fateful day when it cheated on me with my cat. Both of which moved to Idaho and now live in a trailer park. :\