
I have a 19" LCD that only support 1280x1024... :(

My PC I bought last year is kick ass then I have this little shitty monitor for it. LOL

What LCD are you looking at?
im a ati fan myself...but went with the evil nvidia 8800gt because newegg had a nice sale. Gl on the lcd, i went from a 19" crt to a 22" wide and its lovely

I was originally going to get this video card

Its the first dual gpu video card with 1 gig of ram. I didn't feel like saving up for it though and to be honest with the video card I'm getting I'll be able to play everything on max settings anyway. :P
I'd probably look for a 21" widescreen when I get a new monitor. I have to get a new computer desk/chair however. Bleh.
I've had nothing but problems with ATI cards, so I steer clear of them myself. Not sure what the relativeness is to the 8800 GT - but you can get a nice 19 inch widescreen with 2 ms. from LG. They have the samsung brand though - which has a 22 inch 2 ms for 320. I forget how much mine was, but I do believe it was less than that.
Uhhh will I notice a diff from 5ms to 2ms?

I have some benq thing I bought a couple years ago, no idea what ms it is... :P
before you buy from newegg (which i always do) check circuit city for monitors. I found my 22 inch widescreen acer 5 ms 800:1 contrast ratio for 182.99. neweggs return on dead pixels is like 8 i think but circuit city doesnt really give a crap. So for easy return and a better price i went with circuit city.
Hrmm I'll have to check it out but to be honest I'm extremely lazy and I love ordering things online. :P

My video card arrived at Florida today and right now its in transit to connecticut maybe it will be here tomorrow because usually when I order stuff from newegg they ship from new jersey and it takes just one day. :P