Xfire MMO Stats Graphed


Fried Yoda
Staff member
Graph of the last 16 months of Xfire MMO usage

WoW was not included for obvious reasons. Here's your most notables:
  • SWG's been floating around 5k
  • Vanguard had a strong start, then a strong fall (from 8k to 5k)
  • Silkroad Online is #3 overall? Never heard of it, but it is free!
  • RF Online is, and always has been teh suck!
I know the owners of Xfire personally, and I have had dinner with them. I have also had conference calls with Dennis Fong.

Xfire to PS3 soon I guess.
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Once again banana I hate you on these forums. Its a good thing I know who you really are from vent...

Silkroad is a free chinese (or is it korean) mmo. Its got a decent skills system but like every crazy asian game that hasnt been americanized its a grind fest with 150 levels. I think I got to lvl 30 before it started taking 5 hours to get one level.
But it's hours... not players.... So if it says that SWG has 5k hours then that means that the players are MUCH less than that?

But then not everyone uses Xfire, so it's inaccurate. :(
But it's hours... not players.... So if it says that SWG has 5k hours then that means that the players are MUCH less than that?

But then not everyone uses Xfire, so it's inaccurate. :(

Althought it isn't 100% accurate it is still probably a good baseline measurement. As you say not everyone uses Xfire, me for instance :), so EVE's not getting my hours :).
About 200,000-400,000 hours a day, is a LOT of hours.

I'm not playing WoW anymore, either. Was fun for a while at least.