Would you survive a zombie outbreak?


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If you had lived through the Zombie War, would you have survived? We have prepared a questionnaire to determine what your survival odds would have been, based on a series of questions about you, your lifestyle, your skills, your location, and your flight options. Answer the questions to the right, then click the arrow once you have completed each one.
52%, I have failed!
21% But it if I were to encounter a zombie I'd just play high pitched music and watch his head explode because mars attacks + zombies = fun

40% for me but I know I can do better than what the calculator says. :P

So my questions would be...

How well do you think you can defend your house?
How many guns do you have?
How many people do you have with you?
How much ammo do you have? (homemad explosives count to)
Do you have an adequate food supply/source?
Would you have an escape plan if the time came?
Where would you go?
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Again, american specific questions were in there, but I scored 52%, and I know were I'd head to in the case of a zombie attack, I know of someone with an extensive Sword collection ;) and she knows how to use them too.
Lol my house would be so easy. On the roof to fight, in the attic to live. Plenty of rainfall to collect for water but I'd be pretty beat on food. If I had to escape and the roads were clear it would be stingray bangin a buck 20 down the parkway and if they were a mess it would be lifted yota cruisin straight to upstate NY where a cousin has a cabin.