Worth Returning To SWG?


New member
Disregard the name Sak,

My name in SWG is Syke, Ibekk, Zaryk, Evyk. Some of you may know me, especially Syntaxx. =]

I'm one of the assholes from SILVR, if you remember them.

I'll be returning from the sandbox in around a month and I want to know if SWG is still any good. Not sure if I shall return again.

Please let me know how it is.

Oh yeah, Syke > Syntaxx
Remember you ;)
And in my opinion, no. But then again, a lot people still have fun, and so do I the few times I play. It's not what it used to be tho, far from it imho.
Disregard the name Sak,

My name in SWG is Syke, Ibekk, Zaryk, Evyk. Some of you may know me, especially Syntaxx. =]

I'm one of the assholes from SILVR, if you remember them.

I'll be returning from the sandbox in around a month and I want to know if SWG is still any good. Not sure if I shall return again.

Please let me know how it is.

Oh yeah, Syke > Syntaxx
OMG you could never be > me.. NEVAR! *hugs*
miss ya hon :)