Wii #1 seller in Americas


Vote Stewart/Colbert in '08!

Wii has reached 11.7M sales in America in its 79th week available; whereas, 360 reached 11.5M in American sales in its 131st week.

Wii now leads in each of the major regions (America, Japan, and Others) and is closing in on 50% market share worldwide. No need to post old quotes from folks on here. You know who you are.

The graph sums it up perfectly:

A kitten dies every 5 seconds because you keep touching yourself.

*kills kitten*
*kills kitten*
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I got me wii on release and a little over 1.5 years later it's still fun. mario kart and fit are great fun.
I got me wii on release and a little over 1.5 years later it's still fun. mario kart and fit are great fun.

But Gomi, what are we going to do in 6 more months when the Wii's life span ends? :lol:

*kills kitten*
*kills kitten*
*kills kitten*
*kills kitten*
*kills kitten*
i thought the wii was going to be awesome, but you'd have to actually pay me now to get one. really disappointed me
Everytime I see one of those fat fucks buy the "workout" game for the Wii, I want to belt them in the mouth with a roll of quarters.

Waving your arms around like a faggot isn't going to make you thin, putting the triple cheeseburger and super size down and hitting a treadmill will.