Whats the future of SWG?

Dose Ordo

New member
I was was looking at wii games at walmart the other day and decided to ssee what they had in stores for swg. See what the latest prices where just basicly curious. They had zero SWG versions on the shelf and like 4 diffrent boxes of WoW. So that got me thinking, If SWG isnt activly on the shelf what is the future? Are they no longer marketing to attract new players or simply trying to keep the ones they have. If were not adding to the community and constantly bleeding more players then gaining back then are we already in the downfall?
It has been like that for a while. The Gamestop, Best Buy, and Gamer stores I go to haven't had it in their shelves for quite some time. But then, now with many games being available online. Who knows?

CoH/CoV, you can get them online. The key and the DL.
EVE, is ONLY online (if you don't live in Iceland).
SOE made a crucial error with SWG. They tried to run in the same lane with WoW without understanding the facts behind WoW's business success and thought if they would just try to clone WoW, they will get some of the market share from WoW.

At this stage SWG is unsalvagable. SWG could still be in the market with a respected amount of subscribers but that was not enough for the greedy and they lost almost everything they had. SOE has rightfully earned themselves a poor name in the industry and to clean it they need time and a solid game but I dont see that happening due to the fact that the admin team who screwed SWG is still in charge.

Ppl who dont accept their mistakes can never correct them.

Swg had around 500-700k subscribers when the downfall started and instead of concentrating to fix the game and add more content they voted to revamp the system not once but twice and their motive was always WoW.

If i were you, i wouldnt worry about the future of SWG, know that you are playing a dying game and enjoy it as long it lasts and as long as you have fun playing it.
Swg had around 500-700k subscribers when the downfall started
I think it was more like 250-300k before the fall started, which I think was around Jan'05. But I agree with the rest.

As far as marketing goes, you won't see a SWG box in most stores unless they offer another expansion, which they already said won't happen this year, or if they offer another repackaged product (COA, Starter Kit, etc) which probably won't happen because the last offering included everything created to date.

SWG is 4 years old, suffers from bad press and low subscriptions. It would be a loss of cash for SOE if they create more boxes to not get sold on the shelves. So at this point they're happy enough to offer SWG as an online download and as a part of their Station Access program.

The devs are saying that subscriptions are on the rise, but there's no telling if that's blunt honesty or a misleading statistic. All I can really say is the lack of a 2007 expansion doesn't bode well, and if they don't plan for one in 2008 you will never see another SWG box on a store shelf again.
I think it was more like 250-300k before the fall started, which I think was around Jan'05. But I agree with the rest.

As far as marketing goes, you won't see a SWG box in most stores unless they offer another expansion, which they already said won't happen this year, or if they offer another repackaged product (COA, Starter Kit, etc) which probably won't happen because the last offering included everything created to date.

SWG is 4 years old, suffers from bad press and low subscriptions. It would be a loss of cash for SOE if they create more boxes to not get sold on the shelves. So at this point they're happy enough to offer SWG as an online download and as a part of their Station Access program.

The devs are saying that subscriptions are on the rise, but there's no telling if that's blunt honesty or a misleading statistic. All I can really say is the lack of a 2007 expansion doesn't bode well, and if they don't plan for one in 2008 you will never see another SWG box on a store shelf again.

Yeah on the rise, they got 10 people last month.... <sarcasm>
The chart says it has less than 50k, but SOE assures they have 200k. EQ2 has 200k, not SWG. Unless is Station access accounts.
If the time and effort where put into a SWG2, and the Marketing was done right do people feel that would be the game to bring it back. Or is it safe to say that as far as Star Wars MMO were done, and just riding it out.
If the time and effort where put into a SWG2, and the Marketing was done right do people feel that would be the game to bring it back. Or is it safe to say that as far as Star Wars MMO were done, and just riding it out.
If SOE is involved, it won't be so popular. :lol:
If the time and effort where put into a SWG2, and the Marketing was done right do people feel that would be the game to bring it back. Or is it safe to say that as far as Star Wars MMO were done, and just riding it out.
I think a "SWG2" (i think they'd need to call it something else) could be successful.

To me, you'd have to have SWG2 commercials on heavy rotations (2-3 times an hour) on networks like Cartoon Network, Sci-Fi channel, USA, and even go so far as to put it on CNN and FNC every so often.

A big problem I see in marketing MMOs (and games in general) is they market it in certain mediums where people already know about it or will know about it at some time, instead of reaching out to as many people as possible.
Starwars based on the movies is not a very good backround for a MMO. Prolly best backrounds would either be KOTOR universe or the aftermath of Return of the jedi.

Pre_CU combat/profession system, SWG's old crafting system are still the most successful models imo which were used in a MMO. To fix the problems old system had and further enchance it was and still is easy. The social interaction which was achieved in SWG is not matched to this date by any other MMO. So if you ask me if a new MMO can be successful using StarWars theme, I would say yes. However i am a more ambitious player who asks a lot form a game, so my views may not be a criteria but I really doubt it. :p
Ive only played WoW and SWG. I played a very small amount (like an hour) of VG and it seamed SOE took alot of ideas from WoW. So as bad as that sounds I wish they would do the same with SWG2.
My ideal version of SWG2 would be set in the KOTOR timeline. There isn't much in the way of published storylines for that era so it would allow for more freedom in developing content and back story. Also it would be easier to set up multiple factions instead of just two. You have the Jedi and Sith, obviously, but there's also the Republic, the Mandolorians, Czerka and the Exchange.

I wish to hell that SWG would at least get a third faction. I think PvP would be much more interesting if a group of--lets call them Underworld--players could enter a fight and pick a side to fight with. Or kick the shit out of both sides.
I think that was one of the best things about KOTOR, the time period allowed them to do whatever they wanted, and they had thousands of years before Ep1 to undo it.

The only problem with KOTOR is im not sure how large of a star wars fan base knows much about KOTOR and might not be draw to it like with what htey see in the movies.

Plus side... everyone could logicaly be Jedi.
The future will be just fine for SWG.
The game is more or less dead. The spirit of it, what attracted so many people, was that it was unique. It had social parts, combat parts, and trader parts. Being so socially interactive was the most unique thing about the game, and I haven't seen nor heard about any game that comes close. Sadly, this part is more or less dead in SWG nowadays, it's just like any other combat game. If you compare to how it used to be, it's not even close...
Id have to say the social part is the only thing keeping me going, sad seeing as im known more for my combat then my joyfull personality...

Rebuilding Mando, planning event, building a city. The community isnt what it was before but Its still better then WoW. The closest I got to that in WoW is when I broke into the twinking community and the battle groups allow you to fight with and against the same people all the time. Other then that its just nameless faces in a crowd
Starwars based on the movies is not a very good backround for a MMO. Prolly best backrounds would either be KOTOR universe or the aftermath of Return of the jedi.

Pre_CU combat/profession system, SWG's old crafting system are still the most successful models imo which were used in a MMO. To fix the problems old system had and further enchance it was and still is easy. The social interaction which was achieved in SWG is not matched to this date by any other MMO. So if you ask me if a new MMO can be successful using StarWars theme, I would say yes. However i am a more ambitious player who asks a lot form a game, so my views may not be a criteria but I really doubt it. :p

Or another point in SW chronology, not necessarily KOTOR or The New Order. It could be a new point, and give them access to a wide variety of new things.

Because if they walk on over a point in time that we know well and suddenly the devs come out with a mandalorian lightsaber.... Well we all want to kill them.

Ya know what I mean?
I think that was one of the best things about KOTOR, the time period allowed them to do whatever they wanted, and they had thousands of years before Ep1 to undo it.

The only problem with KOTOR is im not sure how large of a star wars fan base knows much about KOTOR and might not be draw to it like with what htey see in the movies.

Plus side... everyone could logicaly be Jedi.

Jedi suck!
Not everyone played to be a Jedi, you know?
The game is pretty damn good right now. I feel like I'm playing a masked version of CU and precu crammed into 1. Like Hakan said though no matter how much they move in the right direction with this system it wont come back because they wont admit they screwed up.