What's Everyone Doing 2: The WHies Strike Back

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Retired SWG Bounty Hunter
This is basically just a continuation of my first thread "What's Everyone Doing".

Here's how it works:

Post about whatever you are doing or thinking right now! Generally excluding the fact that you are posting on WHies :p

So like me... I'm listening to Super Mario Brother music, the Super Nintendo Allstars remix. w00t :D

I also just finished playing some CS:S. I had trouble finding a good, populated server with good ping. :(
I've been reading the steampunk and related articles on wikipedia, and now I'm feeling a little depressed and not looking forward to school tomorrow. I had my first day today, and I think one of my teachers is a complete tool, but I need his class. So I'll probably just shut up and do everything he says... like usual.

I think I feel mostly bad because I have to go to school, but also because I'm quite poor and actually in debt a from school.

Anyway, guess that's a bit of a rant, but that's what's going on.

Oh right... and we've got an ant problem in our house. I keep wadding them up in soap and killing them off, but they keep coming back. About time to call the exterminator.
I'm deciding what to do still. My stomach's still killing me, and it's been a week since I was first sick.
I'm casually browsing Whies listening to Flogging Molly, after I post this I'm going to play some City of Heroes untill 11:20 then I'm off to work because I'm scheduled to work 12 - 6:30 today. Walking to work sucks I hate leaving early. :\
No more bump threads or things of that sort considering what the other one did to the site.
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