What did you do for New Years?

I went to work for about 13hrs, came home, ate, then went right back to work till midnight. When I got home I decided to have some drinks.........lots of drinks, then went to bed.

Now my stomach hurts :(
If I tell you , I'd have to kill you :)
I know how to keep a secret :innocent:
We had a dinner party with a bunch of friends at our new place. I made steaks, what we in Sweden call hasselback potatoes , gravy, salad and some other stuff *yum yum*
Then we played lots of games together
(not computer ones), we had a few, quite a few actually, drinks, and some goofy dancing :cool: At midnight we all went out and watched the fireworks and had some champagne. After that we went back inside and continued to play...got harder and harder for some since they got rather tipsy :p Around 4:30 am people went home...
Yes, I'm very tired today -_- But it was great fun! ^_^
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Worked shots fired and DUI extra patrol.

Was like a warzone when midnight hit. People go outside and shoot off their guns in the air.
was in bed asleep by 9:30, sick as a dog. I hope the alien that bursts out of my chest when this thing's done incubating can find the guy responsible for giving me this cold....
I worked for about 7 hours. I told my boss I expect another promotion in July. I went home in anticipation of my vacation that I haven't had in awhile now.

Earlier I played WoW a bit, then had a couple of drinks (mikes Hard cranberry mmmm) before heading off to sleep at about 10:30. Didn't wake up for almost 12 hours or something too.

Normally I stay up with V, but V was working. And since it's been such a long and difficult year, I decided to get some sleep.
We all drank sparkling cider and acted stupid with these noise-maker things and lame pointy hats. It was still fun though.