Poking little kids with a stick who knock on the door
on halloween I get to take my nephew out for ticks or treats then after he goes to bed... off to an all night Halloween party
not too sure what Samhain is...mut be some of the new wave stuffus :/
WC = Princess Leia.
The A-Team guys are happy I have converted her into a SW fan (see previous thread), but they are disappointed that she is a Rebel scum. A shame, but there really aren't any good female role models on the Empire side...in the movies mind you, she can't read yet.
not too sure what Samhain is...mut be some of the new wave stuffus :/
Not quite. Samhain's the original holiday for this time of year. Halloween is the 'newer' more modern and Christian version of it(And today, unfortunately, more of a commercial thing for companies to gain money)
Samhain is a very old holiday where one of the things one celebrate is that the last harvest taken care of, ie the end of the harvest season.
There's a lot more to it than that, but that's some of it
These are some good reads about it:
Clicky 1
Clicky 2
HeheAh, All Saints Day, which I only remember thanks to a Severed Heads song.
^_^thanks for the tid bit ZanaI now have more info locked in my head for trivial persuit lol