What are everyone's plans for this year?


I'm mostly busy with work. Lots of new clients, new software, testing, manual writing, getting certified (certifiable? - finally a ticket saying I'm crazy!), taking classes for said certifiability (they teach crazy?), writing a new win app for somethin', and process-puttin'-together.

I won't have time for life outside of that.
New job...start Monday
I need to quit smoking....again
Vaction later in the year...somewhere relaxing
after that....who knows....
I quit smoking
I quit drinking
I am eating much healthier

...it's a start

I read about a guy who did all that then was out jogging when a drunk driver who was reaching over to pick up his Cigs jumped the curb and ran over the guy..???!!! :eek:
Hmmm, lots n lots of things, plus a lot of spontanious things...and oh, a baby would be great :wub:
Getting this new Vista machine in a working order, with the time to play games on it finally!

Sorting out the overflowing pig sty of my bedroom. I really can't put anymore merchandise in it but I still buy it.

Go to bed sooner. Take it a bit easier at work. -_-
I read about a guy who did all that then was out jogging when a drunk driver who was reaching over to pick up his Cigs jumped the curb and ran over the guy..???!!! :eek:

WTF?! That's sooo sick. Poor guy.

Oh and my plans... um... eat/drink/sleep/play PC/watch movies... did I forget anything? Oh right, school/work. That'll probably be about it, LOL.

What I want to do this year? Secure a better source of income, finish school, get a hot girlfriend, and hopefully still have time for some games. The girlfriend can't be stupid either... ugh.
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