Vanore is back!


New member
Hey guys. alot of you might remember me as the annoying guy not many people liked. well im back! (with abit more maturity) and i will be re-ordering soon. if any of my old friends are on here or any enemys that want to curse at me and threaten are here then feel free to send me a message!
lol. I stoped playing about a year ago, just came back for 3weeks and have to reorder again. I'm not sure if any old friends are here or not, if they arent im gonna have to make new ones :( (same goes for enemys) lol
I played since day 1 of the game mor eor less :) Havent been active on WH for over e year tho. There are peeps here that are old in the game and still play on WH tho :)
ive been playing since 2005 or 6. i saw aussie and a few others that were around when i played. Most of the others ethire went to another server or quit all together from what i hear. And there arent as many pretty ladys in the cantina to stare at as there use to be. But i guess if there is one i have something to watch :P. But i hate expertise (left right after) and the whole buff thing. i wish it was back when people used less buffs. Now you need buffs to PvP. Everyone has atleast 7buffs and i find it ridiculous lol. I still run in to restuss sometimes without buffs just so i can look tough, but then i die.
I use to hang out with Rokos, Thorna, Ichogo, Shar-mi, xXmackXx, china, artmar, oby-wan(i think thats how he spelt it), Aevi, awoot untill my friend used my account and made him mad at me lol, and use to talk/argue with Dose abit. i figured this would be easier for people to remember me since when i wasent off doing a mission alone i was with atleast one of them. Then i also ran a guild called R-A-F so if you ever saw someone in a guild with that name you know who ran it :D.

By the way if you serch on the Star Wars Galaxies forums (actual site) serch my name and you can see what happend cause my friend used my account (and my alts name was vaner)
pretty much ya. i dont like the changes. But from what i hear most dont. I still think they messed it all up with expertise and all but theres a small chance they will change that.