

The Dirty Smuggler/Agent
At first I thought it was El-D but then I saw the guy was in Florida so it must be Tutok


Man Dies After Two Hour Marathon Lap Dance & Drinking Session

Of all the ways to die, having a stripper rub you up for two hours is not a bad way to go. Jason Transue was out celebrating at a Florida strip club called Flamingo and took on a two hour marathon lapdance session during which he drank heavily.

An hour later he was dead.

Club employees had moved him to another room and checked up on him periodically but found him without a pulse at 2am. Toxicology tests will take up to six weeks to get back but from face of it it’s pretty cleared the dude drank himself to death.
This one guy died from drinking too much water once...

I just noticed that every member online right now was AoW and/or Reign at some point or another: Tutok, Othe, Hakan, me