The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Trailer

A Trailer is now online for the forthcoming Fox TV show based after Terminator 2, The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES reveals what happens when SARAH stops running and goes on the offensive against an ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying her life, and perhaps the world.

I think it's a combination of T2, Supernatural and Smallville as it is from one of the Producers. The trailer looks very cool.

Some of the cast:
Lena Headey - Sarah Connor. Played Queen Gorgo in 300.
Thomas Dekker - John Connor. Plays Zach in Heroes.
Summer Glau - Cameron. Played River in Firefly.

More information can be found at the link below.

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Okay, I admit it, I am very intrigued. Luckily this seems to just flatly ignore T3 (which is a good thing story wise), and still tries to hold some form of linearity with T1/T2. Great idea, and the special effects that are available now-a-days makes this possible to happen on the small screen. Now, who is writing/directing it? And when does Jayne come in? :)

Though seeing Summer Glau being typecasted as an unstoppable fighting machine is quite humorous in itself.
From the description:
Look for it to premiere sometime in early 2008, and expect Fox to cancel it after 3 episodes, 1 episode more than they usually give anything (likely due in part to the budget attached to this.)
Supernatural and Smallville?

I don't like Smallville anymore, they went from cheesy to cheesier. Supernatural... well only the first episode was good.

If they compare it to those shows, it will most likely be Cheesynator.
Tell that to the cast of Firefly. :)

I get to drop two Serenity-esque references in one thread. /sigh My day is complete.
Ditto for Driven. :o

I wouldn't invest too much on a cool looking show from gorram Fox. They'll pull the plug on it and then you're humped.

(Firefly references by Madrigal: 2)
Ditto for Driven. :o

I wouldn't invest too much on a cool looking show from gorram Fox. They'll pull the plug on it and then you're humped.

(Firefly references by Madrigal: 2)

Correct me if I am wrong, didn't Driven star a certain browncoat captain? Man, that guy has no luck.
Correct me if I am wrong, didn't Driven star a certain browncoat captain? Man, that guy has no luck.

It did. And he was the same 'ol browncoat captain with a little more Han Solo in him, driving a hot rod in a Cormanesqe, post-Death Race 2000 world.

/sigh... the potential.