The MMO Crash of 2008

Well as a fan of Tabula Rasa... If they would have invested time and effort into it it could be a good main-stay MMO It was an all around good game... I had fun while it lasted :|
With the economic recession/depression it is very likely 2009 is going to be another bad year.

The article is a good read though. I disliked EVE only got mentioned for its twice yearly content patches. Heck its content patches in general (no counting Dec 2008) have had more content than most game's expansions. We get another patch in March 2009 with the advent of tech III ships (cruiser only in March).

In 2009 I'm looking towards Champions Online, however I have several misgivings. They are basically using an updated engine from City of Heroes but putting it in the Champions Universe. In late 2008 Cryptic was bought out by Atari. My main concern is that Champions has been a pen and paper game for over 20 years. It has had only 5 editions in that time and someone that knows how to play one edition could in essence jump into a game of any edition. However though the game system is extremely well balanced Cryptic chose not to follow the Hero System in creating the Online game. While I would never expect the complete malleability offered by the pen and paper game, I am concerned over balance issues. It also seems to be a FPS which I think could be a mistake many of them. I think they'd been better off going with the Hero System and doing targeting and combat as the pen and paper game. It would have been different. That's what I think the market needs is different, niche games do okay and can even flourish, but clones of existing games don't do very good.
09 is going to be shitty for games in general, not just the mmo market. Despite what some say and article I have read the gaming industry is no way recession proof.
I probably speak for more than a few people when I say that the MMO gamer in me died with SWG. I can't seem to delve into another MMO, too much has changed it seems.
I probably speak for more than a few people when I say that the MMO gamer in me died with SWG. I can't seem to delve into another MMO, too much has changed it seems.

Though much work is still needed Curse the SWGEmu team is working hard on completing the project. They've made an announcement to open a play server which will be called Sun Crusher sometime this year. I assume after a bit more coding is complete (crafting).
09 is going to be shitty for games in general, not just the mmo market. Despite what some say and article I have read the gaming industry is no way recession proof.

I agree but there's no doubt that the Game Industry is still one of the stronger standing industries out there imo. I don't think the recession is bad enough to just drop their gaming habit for most people just yet. I've seen the same thing in sports to, atleast on the paintball side.

Economic recession and people are still spending thousands on gear.
I probably speak for more than a few people when I say that the MMO gamer in me died with SWG. I can't seem to delve into another MMO, too much has changed it seems.

Agreed. I will try SWTOR of course and if it is just a little descent I will continue to play it but if it is just plain horrible, it will be my last MMO and I will be just content to play my console.
Personally I think that the gaming market is recession proof to a degree. Possibly not in the area of how many games are we going to make this year but if you think about it the users will never stop buying games. I mean for someone whose into games with alot of replay value IE multiplayer online games, Your gonna spend $50 on a game that can occupy a huge amount of your free time. People are to the point where they cant afford to go out to the bar and to dinner etc. What are they gonna do? If they play games chances are they're gonna hit up Halo, Counterstrike, or some other game with alot of replay value.

The best thing the gaming industry could do to save themselves and maintain their normal market income is to put a monthly charge on FPS. As shitty as it sounds the FPS market is HUGE and with the ease of internet play on consoles now they could make well into the 10's of millions, even if they only charge $5.
Personally I think that the gaming market is recession proof to a degree. Possibly not in the area of how many games are we going to make this year but if you think about it the users will never stop buying games. I mean for someone whose into games with alot of replay value IE multiplayer online games, Your gonna spend $50 on a game that can occupy a huge amount of your free time. People are to the point where they cant afford to go out to the bar and to dinner etc. What are they gonna do? If they play games chances are they're gonna hit up Halo, Counterstrike, or some other game with alot of replay value.

The best thing the gaming industry could do to save themselves and maintain their normal market income is to put a monthly charge on FPS. As shitty as it sounds the FPS market is HUGE and with the ease of internet play on consoles now they could make well into the 10's of millions, even if they only charge $5.

Better yet, have it charge you a quarter for every three lives.
really doubt it would work with FPS, simply because of the kind of people that play them. there is no way they'd be willing to pay for essentially a game that is just pointing and shooting by definition!
I probably speak for more than a few people when I say that the MMO gamer in me died with SWG. I can't seem to delve into another MMO, too much has changed it seems.

I completely agree with that, I played wow for a long time and it just seemed to get boring and I've been trying other mmo's here and there and nothing really seems the same.

Agreed. I will try SWTOR of course and if it is just a little descent I will continue to play it but if it is just plain horrible, it will be my last MMO and I will be just content to play my console.

Hopefully it's more than just decent because if it isn't bareable i'll just keep playing my 360 and move on with MMO's.
i have been playing WoW since the day of NGE. i never much cared for it and tried tabula rasa, eve, lotro, warhammer, and aoc to try to fill that void left from swg. if swtor doesnt do it, i am resigning myself to dueling my roomate with lightsabers on Wii. :P
MMO's are probably the only thing that will keep the pc gaming arena afloat in 09 (well SC2 and Disablo 3 will help to an extent).

Has anyone noticed how many dev studios have closed or are closing?....all within the past few months and more are on the way. MS is laying off 17% of its workforce when they've stated in the past that they have enough assets to sustain themselves through any financial crisis that comes along....well BS on that obviously.

We'll see some good titles in 09 but only because those triple A titles have already been in the production cycle for years. 2010 will be where I believe you start to see less games announced and released. What you will see are the big franchise games spurning more sequals but there just won't be an econonmy for smaller dev houses and start up game companies. :(
Personally I think that the gaming market is recession proof to a degree. Possibly not in the area of how many games are we going to make this year but if you think about it the users will never stop buying games. I mean for someone whose into games with alot of replay value IE multiplayer online games, Your gonna spend $50 on a game that can occupy a huge amount of your free time. People are to the point where they cant afford to go out to the bar and to dinner etc. What are they gonna do? If they play games chances are they're gonna hit up Halo, Counterstrike, or some other game with alot of replay value.

The best thing the gaming industry could do to save themselves and maintain their normal market income is to put a monthly charge on FPS. As shitty as it sounds the FPS market is HUGE and with the ease of internet play on consoles now they could make well into the 10's of millions, even if they only charge $5.

and that's where xbox wins! i wouldn't even want to pay 5 dollars to play a particular game over the 8 a month xbox membership. for that, i play MMOs where you'd want to keep playing. fps is like 3 2 1 go shoot kill dead, repeat.