The future of MMORPGs is upon us!

EQNext will be fun if they have pvp servers with most of the original rules from EQ2 when it started.. open world pvp and no BGs. Well they can have BGs as long as there aren't any awards that can affect open world pvp.. And I'm sure they can work out a good fame system by release too.

It does seem promising without much mention of pvp so far though..
No matter how much you hate SOE nobody can deny they are trying to bring something new to the table and end this horrible stagnation the MMO genre has been stuck in.
That's what I'm sayin. Whether the game is successful is yet to be seen but kudos to SOE for having the balls to take some risks and try something new.

Overall I'm pretty darn satisfied with their current games. I pay $19.99 a month and get unlimited access to planetside 2, dc universe, eq2, and eqnext when it releases. Amazing value in my book.
the game looks good, i actually watched the soe presentation for it and i thought it was decent. having played swg as my first mmo, when i started playing eq2 i was like oh shit i get to knock people off bridges??? now it's going to be like oh shit i can blow up a bridge with people on em?? lol it definitely sounds like it's going to be pretty fun to play but i want to see more about combat than just 3 attacks. it could possibly be one of those console port games like dcuo if the combat isnt as advanced as people want it to be. im still pretty excited about it though
But PlanetSide 2 is already free-to-play, and the other games aren't even worth playing. :P In my opinion, anyway...

That aside, if EQ Next succeeds, it may bring back sandbox MMO's to the market, which IMO is a good thing. After trying WoW and SW:ToR, I don't even want to try another linear, theme-park MMO. (And if I had lots of money and time to burn, my MMO of choice right now would probably be EVE. Just sayin'.)
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But PlanetSide 2 is already free-to-play, and the other games aren't even worth playing. :P In my opinion, anyway...

That aside, if EQ Next succeeds, it may bring back sandbox MMO's to the market, which IMO is a good thing. After trying WoW and SW:ToR, I don't even want to try another linear, theme-park MMO. (And if I had lots of money and time to burn, my MMO of choice right now would probably be EVE. Just sayin'.)

swg is free to play lol :P
the game looks good, i actually watched the soe presentation for it and i thought it was decent. having played swg as my first mmo, when i started playing eq2 i was like oh shit i get to knock people off bridges??? now it's going to be like oh shit i can blow up a bridge with people on em?? lol it definitely sounds like it's going to be pretty fun to play but i want to see more about combat than just 3 attacks. it could possibly be one of those console port games like dcuo if the combat isnt as advanced as people want it to be. im still pretty excited about it though

I'll give props to both WoW and ToR on that - pushing people off the side of bridges and the like was fucking awesome - you could hear them scream through the interwebz at you. MC a flag carrier off the bridge in eye..priceless. Knocking 3-4 people off in voidstar, beyond priceless.

Oh and SOE can eat a Donkey dick.