Azrail Aleback
This may bring back some memories. 
Remember playing with your Star Wars toys as a kid and ever wished you had a more realistic Millennium Falcon with more features? Well now you can. ^_^
This has been officially denied being made by Hasbro so far.. Hmm NGE deja vu?
It's a new $150 ish Falcon for the new toys due out in the fall/August time.
This is something I would have loved to have a few years back but not so sure now.
There's a list of a few rumoured features below the big pic.

Remember playing with your Star Wars toys as a kid and ever wished you had a more realistic Millennium Falcon with more features? Well now you can. ^_^
This has been officially denied being made by Hasbro so far.. Hmm NGE deja vu?

It's a new $150 ish Falcon for the new toys due out in the fall/August time.
This is something I would have loved to have a few years back but not so sure now.
There's a list of a few rumoured features below the big pic.

There are lights, sounds, missiles, a medbay, and something hidden behind a door.
The entry ramp has a slow-release spring system so that it glides open at the touch of a button. (You still have to close it, though.)
We have smuggling compartments that fit all the requisite figures, and a light-up holochess table.
The knob is for the radar, and it seems that the training remote has its own mechanisms.
The med bay does seem to have some cool features, like the ability to plug in Luke’s tourniquet.
The comm-chair has a plug for Han’s headset.
Overall size is over 2 1/2 feet long.
There are many lights and sounds. Including Hyperdrive.
The docking ring is hinged for a vehicle (not an escape pod) to dock. (It’s an aggressive style fighter vehicle.)
This is NOT the 1978/POTF2/OTC model. This is all-new.
Five landing gear (four around the circumference, and one at the front).
It does come with two figures. (If you can’t guess who, well, c’mon! A big, furry oaf, and his scruffy-looking friend.)