teh funnehs


New member
These guys at penny-arcade.com crack me up.

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You truly are trying to follow me around deliberately busting my balls!!!

I try to bring you teh funnehs and this is what I get?!?! :P

Ima have to get Gomi to give you a timeout young man!

Oh yeah, btw.....

You truly are trying to follow me around deliberately busting my balls!!!

I try to bring you teh funnehs and this is what I get?!?! :P

Ima have to get Gomi to give you a timeout young man!

Oh yeah, btw.....


Only because you're posts as of late are the only ones that interest me. That and I saw that cartoon this morning. You know it's kinda like touring Chicago and then seeing Dark Knight and then you're totally like, "HOLY @#$%, I was SOOOO there!!!111!!11"

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LOL well that comic is good, does this guy do game related comics regularly? I'm headed to that site now to check it out. RABBLE!!

*edit* Very cool site, the comics are pretty good.
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That was always a huge pet peeve of mine during the SWG days. I used to see Wooks running around with it in their name spelled wrong.....fucking "DiscWookie" or some shit like that, made me cringe everytime I would see it.
Yeah, me too. But, I don't see where they spelled it wrong in the comic in question.