Surprised no one has mentioned this

Well, that's a load of horse shit. Spent all night downloading it only to find out I can't play until May 1st.
i dont know why but honestly i feel like AoC will be another Vanguard. I have high hopes for SGW bur mostly because I love Stargate. :p
guaranteed beta access? someone told me its not 100%..but if it is ill drop the 15 bucks to be a member

It's not. You have to be around at the exact time they're offering keys, and then hope you click before everyone else does. Keys go in about 5-10 mins. They're offering them 2-3 times a day though for a few more days.

Only 50k keys are being given out I think.
i dont know why but honestly i feel like AoC will be another Vanguard. I have high hopes for SGW bur mostly because I love Stargate. :p

Oh, I think AoC has epic fail written all over it, that's why I'm glad I'll get to try before I buy. I have a feeling it was designed more for console than it was for PC as they are releasing it for the 360 down the road. So, I'm expecting a dumbed down experience filled with ub3r l33t d00dz.
Its PvP is almost exactly like WoW. They have siege warfare in AoC, but the PvP zones are separated from PvE. Can't believe they made a Conan game carebear-friendly.
Even though it's beta, it's not warming my heart. Patching is frustrating as it'll just randomly stop, causing you to reboot. I've rebooted the patcher 10 times so far.
Well I'll take fault for the patcher, that was my firewall causing issues. But got the game patched, character ready to go, load into game and.....nothing but a black screen.
Finally got into game, issue was too many people trying to play at once (stress test). Overall, this game will not dethrone WoW. It's not very jaw dropping and the combat system is not as revolutionary as they would leave you to believe.
Its PvP is almost exactly like WoW. They have siege warfare in AoC, but the PvP zones are separated from PvE. Can't believe they made a Conan game carebear-friendly.
Ya its really dissapointing what is coming with Conan now... and i heared the game got extremly changed at some point during the beta... prolly to be a more mainstream mmorpg so WoW players have it easy or something.

@ Timi
i knew about that beta lol but i dont feel like posting about that game anymore... But what you dont know about that fileplanet beta and whats nowhere said... you can only play the beta till level 13 and thats it... at least thats what the ppl on forums say.. so basicly you wont even see the mainland with that beta account and can only play on the newb island... ALONE... they could have also released a offline demo... Pretty lame if you ask me
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Ya its really dissapointing what is coming with Conan now... and i heared the game got extremly changed at some point during the beta... prolly to be a more mainstream mmorpg so WoW players have it easy or something.

@ Timi
i knew about that beta lol but i dont feel like posting about that game anymore... But what you dont know about that fileplanet beta and whats nowhere said... you can only play the beta till level 13 and thats it.. so basicly you wont even see the mainland with that beta account and can only play on the newb island... ALONE... they could have also released a offline demo... Pretty lame if you ask me

No shit? That is lame because I got to lvl 6 in a matter of minutes. What they give you in the first few levels wouldn't cause to me run out and buy this.

From what I can tell and anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but combat pretty much seems like you have basic attacks and specials. Your basics never cool down, but your specials do. So you're basically button mashing basic attack skills to stay alive while your specials cool down.

The AI, typical MMO AI. One mob comes runnin at you and if the others are close enough, they'll ride the zerg train and come at you like lemmings.

Again, it may be because I'm on newb island, but I get a very "built for console" feel to the game.
I checked the forums again and cant find any news about the level cap other then the NDA has been lifted for the Fileplanet i guess level 13 is still the max for the beta.. but i also read that you are only alone over the nights and over the days you can see other players on the servers. Not really sure how that works but i am sure you will find out...
And about the gameplay.. like i said.. they changed it hardcore at some point whyever... and when i watched the videos on youtube i even saw an old sliding bug that has been never fixed in Anarchy Online .. looks like they took the AO Engine and boosted it hardcore including all the bugs from the AO Engine haha... really really sad.. looks like Funcom only wants to make some quick money and i am sure they will make alot of money with it... lots of blind mmorpg addicts around that will pay and play whatever is new.