
ya im not to happy about it. I understand the economics of it and the reason why they did it. But still its pretty funny and stupid at the same time. To be honest when you think about it. It is funcom' s insecurities that has caused the censorship. Shoot I could name several games that have nipples with an M rating Conan single player being one of them. So it was either Funcom or Eidos that made the call.
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The US version is rated M for Mature by the ESRB. If you buy the US version, you will not see nipples.

Seems that the US version won't have any balls, either.
Kiss a tit, Rated R
Chop it off, PG-13.

Lol, we're not even talking about real tits.
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EBgames will send me the US version though since they'll send it from the closest warehouse. It seems Eidos sent an uncut version in and the esrb reveiwed there app and labelled the uncut version M. I figured what happened was either funcom jump the gun or eidos and funcom sent in the cut version first. I might just have to buy a EU version and US version so I can play on both servers.