Suggested SW reading???


So I recently finished reading my first Star Wars book, Heir to the Empire. It was actually given to me as a gift like 15 years ago and I just got around to reading it now, lol. Anyway, I really liked it and plan on reading the other two in the trilogy as soon as I get my hands on them. When I'm done with those does anyone here have any suggestions for future reading?

I've checked around and there's a fucking shitload of SW books out there...I knew there was a lot...but not that many :-O I don't even know where to start...old republic, between episodes, post VI....ANY suggestions of good reads would be greatly appreciated.
Any SW book written by Kevin J. Anderson, probably the second best author of SW books next to Timothy Zahn.

Jedi Academy Trilogy
  1. Jedi Search (1994)
  2. Dark Apprentice (1994)
  3. Champions of the Force (1994)
Young Jedi Knights series (with Rebecca Moesta):
  1. Heirs of the Force (1995)
  2. Shadow Academy (1995)
  3. The Lost Ones (1995)
  4. Lightsabers (1996)
  5. Darkest Knight (1996)
  6. Jedi Under Siege (1996)
  7. Shards of Alderaan (1997)
  8. Diversity Alliance (1997)
  9. Delusions of Grandeur (1997)
  10. Jedi Bounty (1997)
  11. The Emperor's Plague (1997)
  12. Return to Ord Mantell (1998)
  13. Trouble on Cloud City (1998)
  14. Crisis at Crystal Reef (1998)
Short story anthologies edited by Anderson:
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Narrow it down. Do you want to read the stories about Luke and Han or stories about Clones, Obi-Wan and Anakin?

The stories before RotS were good. Labyrinth of Evil I think.

Basically finish off the 2 Heir books first. The Jedi Academy are the ones directly after that if you want to carry on.
Whole timeline full.
I loved the book about Darth Bane.

Do you know the name of it Tiv? If that's the book where he sets the rule of two that sounds like a must-read. I'm about halfway through Dark Force Rising now, and will probably check out the Jedi Academy three once I finisih the current trilogy....but Bane sounds like a nice step back after all that.
Do you know the name of it Tiv? If that's the book where he sets the rule of two that sounds like a must-read. I'm about halfway through Dark Force Rising now, and will probably check out the Jedi Academy three once I finisih the current trilogy....but Bane sounds like a nice step back after all that.

There are two books actually. I need to get the second as I didn't realize it was out. The first one is essential as it really explains why he set the rule of two. That's Darth Bane: Path of Destruction. The other is Darth Bane: Rule of Two - but it's a sequel.

We actually bought Path of Destruction in hard cover, and we never buy hard-cover (I have too many books to have them be hard-cover - no room in my little apartment for them).

I'll be getting the Rule of Two in the next week when I get paid. As someone who loves the mythology of the Jedi and the Sith, it's a must read.