You liar. We all live to be disappointed by Star Wars. How much did you spend on SWG, lifetime? How many versions of the original trilogy do you own on tape/dvd/laserdisc? How many times have you watched the second trilogy episodes? Be honest now. How many of them did you not see in the theatre?
You know you're gonna go.

You don't have to claim to look *forward* to it, but you know you're gonna go.
Nah, actually I'm not. I'm just not hyped about it.
But to answer your questions!
Haven't spent a whole lot on Star Wars, toys 'n all, parents bought when I was a kid. I had....
- The Sand Crawler
- Yoda's House
- Jabba's Throne
- X-Wing
- Imperial Shuttle
- Ewok's Tree Village
- Just about every action figure they made (1st generation didn't get anything beyond 1st gen.)
- Light Saber, old school with the gargantuan handle that would make some week whistling noise when swung around
Movies, originally had Eps. IV-VI on beta (pirated) that my dad picked up when he was on deployment over seas.
I then picked up Eps. IV-VI on DVD (so yes, spent money on that). Unfortunately, they are the revised editions, which pissed me off seeing Hayden (I can't act worth a shit) Christiansen in the final scene of Ep VI.
Saw the remakes in the theater's back in 1997 because, well Eps IV-VI rawked and to be able to see them in a theater setting for a change was great.
Yep, spent money on Eps. I-III. Ep III was only worth it for Darth Maul. Ep. II, I thought would improve and couldn't be nearly as bad as I, I was wrong. Ep. III was because, hell I saw Ep I-II, might as well see III. While Ep. III was a lot better than the first two, the ruined it with Franken Vader.
Spent the cash on SWG, loved it until obvious reasons.
Never read the books, so no cash there.
Honestly, I haven't even bothered with much of the Star Wars universe since the fall of SWG. Eps I-III were playing on SPIKE a few weeks back, the woman had never seen them so she wanted to watch, we got about as far as Qui-Gon saving Jar Jar and she decided the movie was lame and didn't want to watch the rest or the others. She said it wasn't like watching Eps IV-VI, it was too gimmicky.