So they canceled Stargate Atlantis


Bored to death... maybe...

I'm doing what I can to get it back though. I've sent e-mails and I'm going to send snail mail tomorrow. Also signed a petition online. :P Help me save Atlantis! Go to
Everything has to end sometime. They're obviously not getting the viewership if they're ditching the show.

SG has been great, but it's old and tired now.
They are making more DVDs like they did for SG-1

Also the new series is Stargate Universe. A bunch of "younger" explorers stuck on a ancient ship in deep space locked on a course they can't change. :rolleyes:
I was reading between the lines slightly.

All the details here

Part of the new focus is a deliberate attempt to bring in younger viewers to watch Stargate Universe. "This is an opportunity to reinvent this franchise and make it relevant to a new generation," SCI FI president Dave Howe told The Hollywood Reporter. "We really don't want to be more of the same. It's going to build clearly off the existing franchise but with a cast that gives it a younger vibe."

Wright and Cooper said: "In Universe, we plan to keep those elements that have made the franchise a success, such as adventure and humour, while breaking new ground in the relationships between mostly young and desperate explorers, thrust together and far from home. Above all, we believe the Stargate itself remains an enduring icon with infinite potential as a jumping off point for telling stories."
so a mix of doctor who bad writing and a star trek voyager storyline?
That's exactly how Star Trek worked...

Star Trek: TNG = Stargate SG-1
Deep Space 9 = Stargate Atlantis (both are stations on the fringe of creation)
Voyager = Stargate Universe (both lone ships in the middle of nowhere)
This is so stupid! Stargate: Atlantis has been my favorite show since like Star Trek: TNG. I had started watching SG-1 in the later seasons so SGA was a welcome change for me.

I have to admit that with Weir gone and some of the stories lately kind of sucking it has been going a bit downhill. There were a couple episodes this season that I really liked though, like Daedalus Variations. I thought that was a cool episode.

I read on the SGA Sci-fi forums that MGM is responsible for this. Supposedly because they want more DVD sales. I say screw them, if they only publish DVD's the popularity of the show will pretty much die. Afterall the DVD's are basically just extended episodes that take a lot longer for production and redistribution time.

Sci-fi channel is what really got Stargate out there. IMO it's the only good show they've got, most of the Sci-Fi channel is full of retarded reruns. They need to push for more, better episodes of space shows.

If "SGU" (or whatever the new show will be) sucks then it's R.I.P. StarGate (like how Enterprise killed Star Trek). Oh well I guess if that show dies there will be a new one to take it's place. There will still be that fan base out there waiting for the good shows.
That's exactly how Star Trek worked...

Star Trek: TNG = Stargate SG-1
Deep Space 9 = Stargate Atlantis (both are stations on the fringe of creation)
Voyager = Stargate Universe (both lone ships in the middle of nowhere)
whilst ill agree there were some pretty badly written episodes in the various star trek series, please dont tell me you think they are as badly written as doctor who!! that is by the the worst written sci fi i have ever watched. i dont even watch it as a sci fi, i watch it as a comedy as it is so laughable!!
whilst ill agree there were some pretty badly written episodes in the various star trek series, please dont tell me you think they are as badly written as doctor who!! that is by the the worst written sci fi i have ever watched. i dont even watch it as a sci fi, i watch it as a comedy as it is so laughable!!
I have no opinion on Doctor Who... well, the old shows I have no interest in, and the new ones are on BBC and I don't like anything on that network.

I was just saying that the Stargate and Star Trek franchises are looking like they're mirroring each other, just with different skins.
yeah definitely with this Stargate universe announcement.

if you want a good laugh though, watch an episode of the new dr who. it is so bad
Everyone likes different things Prod. I quite like Dr Who but the last season was rather poor. Torchwood is pretty good too.

As for the DVDs. I don't think either of the 2 released so far have been very good really. Good for TV episodes but not really amazing DVD worthy.

I like SGA but it seems to have lost its way a lot recently.
liking different things is fine, but when you know exactly what all the characters are going to do ALL the time before they do it ("oh look dr to the rescue"), and when all but one of the actors are absolutely terrible (tennant being the exception), then that makes for a dreadful show imo

torchwood is a bit better yeah, but still insanely predictable
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What really pissed me off was Burn Notice was delayed a week because of some gay sports program and then Stargate Atlantis the new season 5 episode was delayed the day after AND canceled. :\