Snork is...

One of these!! ^_^



*snicker* :devil:
Thank Azrail for starting this for me ^_^

It means alot to me to see that someone cares for me too

Zana - You really mean the world to me... you have been there for me a LONG time now and I thank you for that! :hug: :wub:
Thank Azrail for starting this for me ^_^

It means alot to me to see that someone cares for me too

Zana - You really mean the world to me... you have been there for me a LONG time now and I thank you for that! :hug: :wub:
Ditto love ^_^ *hands Snork a flower*
For me the part of being here for friends is what I like best... and hope that they will be here for me to.

I don't get mad often but when I do most people have a hard time believing it is me!

That is what people tell me!
Snorks like strawberry with chocolate *gets a dreamy look on her face* :innocent::whistling: *Licks her lips*