School history class, slavery and you


New member
I'm sick of hearing about how black people think they deserve more in society or deserve payment for what their ancerstors did as slaves. Stop crying about what happened 200 years ago. White people in general are racist as hell get over it.

Now before you say wow what a neo nazi white sepremecist fuck make sure you know your facts.

1) The black slaves taken from Africa were SOLD to whites by the higher class africans.
2) The slaves were always slaves even before being brought to America. At no time did Mr. Whiteguy go over to Africa and say "Hey you you and you get in the boat your mine." to free africans.

Just a rant cause we're talking about the civil war in history class...
I'll touch it, since history is my thing :)

You are correct in your statement that slaves who were shipped to America were already slaves. However, it is an incomplete statement and only holds true for a small portion of the slaves.

The African slave trade originally consisted of fair trade. Tribal wars were not uncommon during this period. The winning tribe would take prisoners all the members of the opposing tribe and turn them into their slaves. When the Portugese, the Spanish, and later on other Europeans, came to Africa, they exhanged European luxuries and goods, such as firearms, for the slaves of the dominant tribes. So yes, you can say that the prisoners of war were made into slaves, and they entered the slave trade AS slaves.

However, as time progressed, the demand for slaves in the New World increased exponentially. To match keep up with demand, the European slave traders would not only continue the fair exchanges, but would begin to trick those they were making trades with and forcing them into slavery. Pretty soon, they didnt even bother negotiating, they just hired a few Africans and a band of armed men, and they'd hide in bushes and kidnap any African that walked by. This became the increasingly popular way of attaining slaves for the slave trade, and soon became the dominant way.

No, this is not some BS from a high school history class (since high school history classes tend to shelter children from the true nature of history, until they reach college when their mindset is ready and mature enough for the truth). This is from an actual account from the slave narrative: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African (1789) which i had to read for my Pre-Modern US History class a little over a year ago.
erm...yeah well...wait no nvm .. i aint touchin this with a 10 foot pole

does this mean the holocaust never happened either? :unsure:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stavrose @ Feb 6 2006, 06:05 PM) [snapback]40526[/snapback][/center]
No, this is not some BS from a high school history class (since high school history classes tend to shelter children from the true nature of history, until they reach college when their mindset is ready and mature enough for the truth). This is from an actual account from the slave narrative: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African (1789) which i had to read for my Pre-Modern US History class a little over a year ago.

This was my main point. Thank you very much for verifying.
No, your point was that slaves were already slaves and other africans just sold them. The book proves otherwise, that the majority were NOT slaves after a certain period of time, but were kidnapped into slavery
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stavrose @ Feb 6 2006, 07:11 PM) [snapback]40567[/snapback][/center]
No, your point was that slaves were already slaves and other africans just sold them. The book proves otherwise, that the majority were NOT slaves after a certain period of time, but were kidnapped into slavery
No my main point was about highschool although it doesnt really appear that way after re-reading my post...
"I'm sick of hearing about how black people think they deserve more in society or deserve payment for what their ancerstors did as slaves. Stop crying about what happened 200 years ago. White people in general are racist as hell get over it."

I'll put my ass in a sling here and open my big furry

I generally agree with this position, being in the deep south where this is most prevalant. ALL races are racist though, don't be naive or blame just whitey.

I specifically agree that I'm tired of paying for what my "ancestors" have done. First, my ancestors were POOR and couldn't afford slaves if they wanted one (I've traced my family tree back to the old country in Ireland).

Second, if I could go back in time and find an ancestor somewhere that did buy a slave I'd beat the brakes off his stupid ass and bring him back to my time to show him what the hell it ended up

I do have a question for the history buffs though. Were there any actual free africans who came over to this country via immigration or are we sure that the ENTIRE population are direct decendants of slavery?
Several thoughts, no particular order.
My family was/is poor. We have had someone in the military each generation (except this one), and generally just barely scrape by, if that. Don't try blaming me for what happened way back when, weren't any slaves owned by my family.
Slavery was dying when the civil war was fought, my memory is a little foggy, but I seem to recall that the last slave-holding countries abolished slavery the the 1880s or 90s.
The biggest thing that gets me, is how the civil war is portrayed as being about slavery, when the bigger issue at the time was states rights. The Emancipation Proclaimation turned it into a battle over slavery, which its also conveniently not noted that said Proclaimation did not abolish slavery in the North, only in the "rebelling states." This was mainly a political ploy to prevent the CSA from getting outside recognition from other countries, mainly Great Britain and France, who wouldn't acknowledge the CSA's independance when the war turned into a war over slavery.
Discrimination has come full circle. Non-minorities (whites) are now treated as 2nd class citizens. Thanks to affirmative action and the like, minorities have to be chosen first when all other things are equal, they could sue if overlooked, we can't. Also try getting any kind of assistance if you're white, its not very likely to happen. I could get all kinds of federal grants and loans and aid if I were a minority, but because I'm white, I don't qualify for anything. Try starting a United Caucasian Fund or the like and see how long it lasts until you get sued for discrimination, whereas no one can say anything about the United Negro Fund without being labelled racist.
Also, on a lighter, possibly more controversial note, during a similar discussion with a black friend of mine, after he went through the whole "we used to be slaves, you owe us" speech, I made the comment that since they think we owe them for being in slavery, I thought they should owe us for monopolizing the sports industry. Slave owners used selective breeding to turn out slaves with more stamina, strength, speed, etc. Do to slave owners' breeding programs, they should now owe us for their sporting abilities, and we should be compensated for it. Kind of a counter point to the 'we were slaves' arguement, he said that was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard, which was kind of the point, but it did make him re-evalute the absurdity of his prior 'we were slaves' comments, which was the whole point.

Just my 2 cents, don't flame too bad
I'm not commenting on the original post, I'm not touching that. Its a flame fest waiting to happen but I was just going to place some authenticity to Ipb8733's statement on the sports stuff. We did a study in Advanced Human Anatomy 127 and its been proven that the muscular structures of black, african american whatever the PC thing to say these days is, has proven to hold more oxygen in their muscles longer giving them a higher rate of muscular respiration. Which if you don't know gives stamina and in turn will allow more stress on muscles which is why they can run faster and farther than most white athletes.

I won't comment on the strength aspect of the arguement because the statement that they are stronger than whites is actually not true. The fact that we have shorter bulkier muscles actually gives us an advantage in lifting. I'm not saying that we are stronger or blacks are stronger but I am saying that the average white male has the ability to gain bigger and bulkier muscles than the average black man. Just a little FYI I learned in a course I was forced to take for my major, even though it doesn't have anything to do with it >_<.
When confronted with this very statment, someone told me "Yea well the white man encouraged slavery"

Ok... do you blame the billions of smokers for what cigs are doing to people? No you blame the companys.
Do you blame the person who lives in a gang infested area when their house is shot up?

So why blame the end users for somthing that was considered the norm way back when. If your going to blame anyone and demand money, go after the traders and warchiefs that SOLD the people, not the ones who bought them.

And by the way, isnt there a country in africa that was founded by free slaves from america over run by their own people, and then pushed back into slavery?

Some times you just get fed up with the crap around you... damn LA.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(GameGuru @ Feb 7 2006, 07:24 PM) [snapback]40730[/snapback][/center]
When confronted with this very statment, someone told me "Yea well the white man encouraged slavery"

Ok... do you blame the billions of smokers for what cigs are doing to people? No you blame the companys.
Do you blame the person who lives in a gang infested area when their house is shot up?

So why blame the end users for somthing that was considered the norm way back when. If your going to blame anyone and demand money, go after the traders and warchiefs that SOLD the people, not the ones who bought them.

And by the way, isnt there a country in africa that was founded by free slaves from america over run by their own people, and then pushed back into slavery?

Some times you just get fed up with the crap around you... damn LA.
I've always had a problem with the saying "We will pay for the crimes of our Fore Fathers". I don't give two shits what my father or my grandfather or anyone else in my family did in their lifetime against anyone else. In my opinion you are are accountable for your crimes and your crimes alone. So if my ancestors owned slaves (they didn't, but hypothetically) they I'm sorry for what they did but I had no say in the matter so don't lay some pity party on me for something I had no part in and would never go with. My .02$
blacks over here are ok but the fucking east europians coming in to this country get on my fucking tits
send them to the States in a Egyptian ferry i say
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LilHammie @ Feb 7 2006, 04:28 AM) [snapback]40732[/snapback][/center]
I've always had a problem with the saying "We will pay for the crimes of our Fore Fathers". I don't give two shits what my father or my grandfather or anyone else in my family did in their lifetime against anyone else. In my opinion you are are accountable for your crimes and your crimes alone. So if my ancestors owned slaves (they didn't, but hypothetically) they I'm sorry for what they did but I had no say in the matter so don't lay some pity party on me for something I had no part in and would never go with. My .02$

I refused to be punished for something I didn't do. If my family members participated (which they didin't), then you should take it up with them, not me. And its not like the blacks today were/are slaves, so they really don't have much room to argue.
People just need to get over the whole slavery thing. It has happened, it does happen, and it will happen. Any race demanding reperations for something that has never happened to them is just another way of being lazy and blaming all your problems on someone else, instead of taking responsiblity for oneself.

Races have been inslaved by their race, by different races, organizations, cultures, whatever. It's not like the Jews were the only ones to be enslaved, or the blacks, or the east asians, or the hispanics, or central asains.

There's slave trading that still goes on today, so Joe Bum who sits on the front porch of their delapidated house crying that their ancestors were enslaved and their poor because whomever is holding them back needs wipe the snot off his face with a broken bottle and then get their ass up and do something with their lives.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Timi @ Feb 7 2006, 06:14 PM) [snapback]41183[/snapback][/center]
Any race demanding reperations for something that has never happened to them is just another way of being lazy and blaming all your problems on someone else, instead of taking responsiblity for oneself.

Holy crap. That's the best statement I have ever seen in regards to this. The ultimate one line rebuttal.
Timi is my new hero.