Question for the Guys


If you're happy, I'm. . .
When you tell a female friend how many different women want you what are you trying to do?
I have mainly male friends and to me its just an ego boost or looking for someone to be impressed with you. Am I off here?
well first dont believe them ... lol most men arent smart enough to know when a woman wants to fuck them most men " she wants to fuck me " is somehow related to " jenny asked me what time our reports were due "

id say for every ten they think wants them one MIGHT lol

as far as the bragging i dunno ..maybe its something to do with its easier to get a girl when you got a girl type reasoning
Yes syntaxx, it's a rather childish way in an what should be an adult world of getting an ego boost for themselves, and to get a reaction out of you.
lol now that song is going through my head.. "I want you to want meeeeee... "

Is it Gomi?? :huh:
no :P lol but I will let you into the geekdom that is my life.. I play D&D now (started two weeks ago because my best guy does it) yeah... lol the DM is cute as hell and doesn't look like he fits in with the D&D'ers sooooo :P haha crushaholic
lol EVERYONE knows who I ♥ want ♥.. I am really bad at hiding my feelings when it comes to that

Then be really honest with your feelings, and true syntaxx fashion...

"no I don't really want to fuck you, so get over yourself already"

then giggle and hit him in the shoulder, so he thinks your joking, should shut him up for a while.
it's like getting you to jump on the band wagon. if everyone else wants me, you should too. etc

It's an evolutionary principle of sexual selection, actually. Women tend to be more physically attracted to a man that other women are shown to be attracted to. The evolutionary benefit is that any male offspring are more likely to be attractive to women than the offspring of a less attractive man.

No, I'm not kidding. I'm old enough to have felt pain and rejection because of Beatlemania (a clear instance of the phenomenon), and I know!

I don't know whether bragging about one's attractiveness actually works or not. Maybe it depends on other factors such as the actual credibility of the brag.
to be honest, for me its all in the smile.. dimples, those cute crinkle lines on the side and just a pretty white smile makes me ♥♥♥ If a guys smile makes me smile too, I am owned