Pee in a Cup Guy

Well, that made me think of the Opera House that we have in our city. They actually paid for a woman to come on stage and pee in a cup. Again, they paid!! for it...and called it art!! :blink: People act so so weird at times...they went there and old man reached out his hand, and tasted her pee...:wtf:
Well, that made me think of the Opera House that we have in our city. They actually paid for a woman to come on stage and pee in a cup. Again, they paid!! for it...and called it art!! :blink: People act so so weird at times...they went there and old man reached out his hand, and tasted her pee...:wtf:

For a good year or so, we (my team) had our own little office room. This particular guy used to sing, dance and hum, and it was quite annoying. Fluffy told me to pee in a cup, and threaten him with it. Ever since then I've secretly called him pee in a cup guy.

He's now working on client-side web programming at a company in NYC.

If you don't see me around as much, work's turned into a work-a-holic's dream come true. In addition to doing his work until we find a miracle replacement, my boss has decided that I get to QA (review) all of our team's items before they go out of our department, and try to re-train someone else.

It was weird. I didn't think I'd miss someone who really didn't like it here, so did as little as possible to get by. I teared up quite a bit right after he walked out. One of the last "old school rebel" Forms programmers left.

Oh, so if anyone is near CT and is looking for entry-level work in the software and programming department, let me know. (just remember 90% of the job isn't programming really. It's writing complex sql select statements (10%) and banging your head up against the wall (90%) when the form design tools don't work.