Outside: Where no nerd's gone before...


Retired SWG Bounty Hunter
So yeah, I notice this recurring theme amongst people my age of the opposite gender, they seem to like "the outdoors". Whatever that means.

Unfortunately this decreases my compatibility-factor with these such-sporty-individuals by nearly 50%. When I'm outside more than two hours, the sun scorches my flesh like a paper-mache'd, gasoline-soaked, mannequin.

You'd think the winter was better, but I have a propensity-of-severe-injury factor of 33.3333333% when engaging in winter sportfare, as can be testified by the recurrence-of-agony within my shoulder.

So anyway, maybe I'm in need of counsel, or maybe I'm just being somewhat peculiar concerning all this.
I have a torn ACL in my left knee right now and frozen pipes under the trailer where I can't fix them cause I can't crawl........:(

This happening just as I was ready to ask that special someone out.
I have a torn ACL in my left knee right now and frozen pipes under the trailer where I can't fix them cause I can't crawl........:(

This happening just as I was ready to ask that special someone out.
Meci, easy... ask that special someone over to help you fix the pipes. I mean, forget the innuendo, I mean.. the pipes, literally :P