moral of the story ...stay the fuck away from klaus

p.s. worked in various warehouses for 15 plus year never seen anything too terrible ...although i did once see a guy get his head crushed by a 18 wheeler at my high school grocery store job ..that wasnt so pretty
moral of the story ...stay the fuck away from klaus

p.s. worked in various warehouses for 15 plus year never seen anything too terrible ...although i did once see a guy get his head crushed by a 18 wheeler at my high school grocery store job ..that wasnt so pretty

Wow, did it pop like a zit?
Wow, did it pop like a zit?

hmm more like a melon the truck was backing up to a loading door and stopped short .. they guy poked his head out to tell the guy he wasnt all the way back ..that was when the driver backed the rest of the way in and crunch ..it was nasty actually sounded like a melon in a press just kinds splt/squish then there was a shit ton of blood and i threw up /shrug