NYC strangeness


New member
So i'm walking down 42nd street to jump on the subway and theres a homeless guy sitting on top of his setup (blankets, boxes, etc etc) but as I look out of the corner of my eye I notice something odd.....the guy is wearing a Darth Vader helmet complete with the chest piece control panel lol. As I walk by him he's holding a sign out in front of him.....

"Tell me off"


I wish I had my digital camera with was really to funny/bizarre for words lol

Only in NYC.......
When I worked in DC, there was a homeless guy I saw every morning walking through the underground shops, yelling at himself in a Bobcat Goldwaith fashion, hitting himself, and then all of the sudden he'd take off run to McDonalds. Every freaking morning it happened without skipping a beat.
I see this one homeless outspoken crazy guy on my way home in the E train station every day as well. It's not always the same thing, but he's always there preaching. Funny thing about this guy is that he's well known. He used to be a NYU professor who was married and his wife cheated on him, divorced him and took most of his money. He went crazy and no just preaches to the entire train platform about how evil women are. It's pretty funny to hear a homeless wacko speak eloquently like a just doesn't look right lol.
LOLOLOL, i wish i woulda seen him so i coulda been like IM YOUR FATHER BITCH!!! I was in nyc on saturday, we went to the brooklyn banks and shit. i was getting with some chick in brooklyn and i'd always see some dude in the subway at the port authority. He'd be wearing a fucking ROBOT shiny ass suit and be doing the robot with like the sound effects of that black dude from police academy. FUNNY SHITTTTT, i'll see if he's famous on the internet for his robotic b/s so i can post a pic.
So i'm walking down 42nd street to jump on the subway and theres a homeless guy sitting on top of his setup (blankets, boxes, etc etc) but as I look out of the corner of my eye I notice something odd.....the guy is wearing a Darth Vader helmet complete with the chest piece control panel lol. As I walk by him he's holding a sign out in front of him.....

"Tell me off"


I wish I had my digital camera with was really to funny/bizarre for words lol

Only in NYC.......
Being a new yorker myself, i can see this making him some serious cash =P
When I worked in DC, there was a homeless guy I saw every morning walking through the underground shops, yelling at himself in a Bobcat Goldwaith fashion, hitting himself, and then all of the sudden he'd take off run to McDonalds. Every freaking morning it happened without skipping a beat.

And this, my friends, is how the friendship of Timi and El-D all began.